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dont laugh lads but had good coin on handbags lol

my daughter makes good profit on shoes and handbags on ebay she sold a bag she paid a quid for ,for 80 quid known her do 600 quid in a month ..


http://www.ebay.co.u...01#ht_598wt_932 Seems to be good money in the right market :icon_eek:




I hit a bootsale yesterday and nearly bought some fishing gear myself, but nowhere to store it (£15, tackle + seat box, 2 reels, pole + daiwa rod) which was gutting because I know he would have taken £10.

take your camera to the sale photograph it before you leave put it on ebay and leave it in your car till they collect it ...
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about 5 years ago, i was mooching round a car boot and i came across a stall with a load of fishing bits, feeders,floats all kinds o stuff,im not into fishing so i rang my mate and tells him what ther

even more suprising people dont know the true value ..

long gone are the days when it was old women looking for bags and shoes your dealing with seasoned pros ... forgot i got a youngers tartan copper pub tray for 3 quid aswell .

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Yes, i just wanted repro, that style suits this cottage, but trying to find any framers with that style available was impossible....one even asked me what art deco was.

Must not be fashionable at the mo.

must be someone on line that does them --- i had a load from our £1 shop bought a book of 1920s erotic art from a carboot cut the photos out and framed them ..
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My fav recent purchase is this 5ft long 19th century hunting frieze from an auction house. Got it rather cheap as someone had painted it white. You could not make out the characters due to this so i highlighted them in a transparent gold....not a gaudy looking as the photos make out with the camera flash, you normally cannot make out the gold.










Without the flash.



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Yes, i just wanted repro, that style suits this cottage, but trying to find any framers with that style available was impossible....one even asked me what art deco was.

Must not be fashionable at the mo.

must be someone on line that does them --- i had a load from our £1 shop bought a book of 1920s erotic art from a carboot cut the photos out and framed them ..

Not at the time. Wanted some oak type wooden frames with this type of deco design on it...




Knew in my minds eye what i wanted, need to learn how to make them myself :D

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like the freeze moll --- best buy i ever had was 28 church pews cost me £10 each i bought one with the option on the rest and i took the option took us 2 days to move mrs went nuts they whr in the garden under tarpapaulin for a few days :whistling: cut your self a few sample frames out of cardboard have a mess about till you get your shapes then cut em out in wood ... :thumbs: ..

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dont laugh lads but had good coin on handbags lol

my daughter makes good profit on shoes and handbags on ebay she sold a bag she paid a quid for ,for 80 quid known her do 600 quid in a month ..


http://www.ebay.co.u...01#ht_598wt_932 Seems to be good money in the right market :icon_eek:




I hit a bootsale yesterday and nearly bought some fishing gear myself, but nowhere to store it (£15, tackle + seat box, 2 reels, pole + daiwa rod) which was gutting because I know he would have taken £10.

take your camera to the sale photograph it before you leave put it on ebay and leave it in your car till they collect it ...


My boot is full of crap already, otherwise I think I would have. I couldn't really be assed to ebay it, it might not sell if they need to collect and not really worth the hastle...or if I kept it and made room then I don't fancy smelly wet fishing gear in my car :bad:


But if anyone lives near Cambridgeshire and can shift things, I would be happy to buy stuff and sell it on cheap. Or if you find a buyer then take a %, or just take the stuff and share some profit? Seems like it would be a mutually beneficial idea. Especially since I have to leave so many things because I wouldn't be able to sell it quick enough.

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dont laugh lads but had good coin on handbags lol

my daughter makes good profit on shoes and handbags on ebay she sold a bag she paid a quid for ,for 80 quid known her do 600 quid in a month ..


http://www.ebay.co.u...01#ht_598wt_932 Seems to be good money in the right market :icon_eek:


I was reading the description thinking 'why would you make them sound so tatty?' Then the penny dropped...



Is it some sort of fetish thing? Or am I missing the point?

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Bought and sold many a tweed Hacking jacket, now trying to find one for myself but the prices ive seen advertised on here and on ebay are mental, i think a tenner from a second handshop is pricey too, seems like chris tarrent is pricing up for charity shops at the min "who wants to be a millionaire" :icon_eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...

cleared out some of my crap today at the car boot -- the first thing the fella standing next to me got out was a border fine arts figure -- hedge laying with 3 russells on it cost me 20 quid but it books at 70-150 . cant do photo or a link to it but its a cracking figure ..

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