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Nuttal Lines

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i have some photo's of nuttall bred dogs going back some 50 years, and the type has changed a hell of a lot in that time, when i was a young un getting into the blacks the dogs to go for where Smithy/

Does make me smile when lads come on here with the big talk,Stating facts about this and that as if it were gospel . The truth is that those lads who kept his early stuff away from the shit still hav

my pup from nuttel stuff   10 wks old  

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  On 10/03/2012 at 19:35, piggypiggypiggy said:
  On 10/03/2012 at 08:43, PUP lurcher said:

I'v heard good and bad about this line of breeding.


How do some of you top terrier men, rate this line for working?


If you got any pics of this or any stories please share.


Thank you PUP. :thumbs:



There's an awful amount of people claiming they have this breeding. Most are just trying to sell dogs.


Unlike Brian who can be found on preloved and the shuch :icon_redface:

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  On 26/08/2012 at 09:18, coonboy said:

Dillydog~busterdog why do you stick the boot in on bn like you do with ns at evry oppertunity you get what's he done to you ?


Why not.

One is a pure and simple puppy pedlar and the other was found to be not only a liar but a grass , two things I personaly can't stand. I didn't realise i'de already put the boot in on this thread but like i say while they keep pumping out the shite so will i.

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Ther not shit tho are they? I've seen some belters come of him and his own dogs I no he breeds quite a few litters but ied rather take a chance with him than else were ied say you gott as good chance with his as anyone else he not ripping nobody off he guarentees his pups and with buying a gaurenteed pup of him you recive 65 years experiance with digging dogs that's gotta be worth summat lol

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coonboy brian nuttall has produced some very good dogs through the years but for every bit of good he s done for the working terrier hes tarnished it by selling dogs and pups as fast as he can produce them not to mention buying in litters not to mention selling pups that should nt even of been of the bitch never mind sold to a new home its actually sick! plus seen it with my own eyes at a show he was judging he never looked at half the dogs in the ring in each class give out the prizes then bang back and side doors of van were flung open and it was time to sell he had dogs pups and bitches with pups and he was handing them out and filling his pockets was like a fcuking chip van a pure peddlar if i ever seen one and i ve seen a few!

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  On 26/08/2012 at 15:57, coonboy said:

Ther not shit tho are they? I've seen some belters come of him and his own dogs I no he breeds quite a few litters but ied rather take a chance with him than else were ied say you gott as good chance with his as anyone else he not ripping nobody off he guarentees his pups and with buying a gaurenteed pup of him you recive 65 years experiance with digging dogs that's gotta be worth summat lol


Gauratee what ? that they will reach six months and start steaming into everything else in yer kennels, feckin things all they want to do is fight other dogs. :yes:

He did breed good stuff years ago though.

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Coonboy i knew you were a "nutt'et" when you came out with that unducated shite about the wheaten. Why would a man that had a great family of terriers breed wheaten into them ?. I was personaly banned from using one of my terriers becuase it killed a fox toground, his bread and butter was hunting. He couldn't very well tell god knows how many people in the field to wait an hour untill his wheaten cross had dug upto it's fox !!, and then tell the same field oh sorry the terriers killed it....it just doesn't make sense.


I'll say it again, i was there in his company for years, i never ever saw a wheaten or a nuttall terrier in his yard or anyone elses that was connected with this line.


And finaly YES it's a shame he made a fool of himself but you'll never get a better man on a shovel or with a terrier.

Edited by dillydog
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