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A quick look out lamping turned into the fastest kill we have ever had

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Me and Scott the hunter went out for a quick look out with the lamp. we quickly spotted a rabbit and put the red filter on the tracer atom lamp, which would be a good buy for any air rifle enthusiast. we then stalked into it to about 25 yards and put a pellet into its heart. it died instantly. the daystate huntsman classic had done its job. what a great little gun it is, well worth the price tag on it.

Edited by Paul the hunter
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Hi mate,


Nice one on your rabbit. Always nice when you get one straight away, it feels like the pressure is off a bit.


I have always been more inclined to go for a head shot when hunting rabbits I find that it is a very quick and effective way of killing them, and you don't damage the meat. :thumbs:



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Hi mate,


Nice one on your rabbit. Always nice when you get one straight away, it feels like the pressure is off a bit.


I have always been more inclined to go for a head shot when hunting rabbits I find that it is a very quick and effective way of killing them, and you don't damage the meat. :thumbs:



Totally agree Si. Better chance of a humane kill headshooting rabbits at 12fpe IMO.





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