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Agency work??

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my lads been working for different agencies for two years, some not too bad ,some crap, check you get paid your overtime every week as this has been a regular problem for him he has too double check every thing but hes working now ,average 60 hours a week, and doing really well, before he went with agencies he was out of work for months, make hay while the sun shines and cane the overtime ,good luck

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NEVER trust agencies mate

why should an agency make money, let the employer say its a temp job and fcuk them off, they don't know what they are talking about in a trade anyway

its a wanker when they promis you a few weeks works and the jobs only a days work

Up to you if you need the cash and there's nothing else what choice do you have , Any chance you might get kept on permanent. ?. If no i always felt Agencies where skinning of my graft

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Did it about twenty years ago for a few month.A few long time worker seem to treat me as if i was below them.Soon put them right after asking one if he would like to eat a spanner.I still find to this day.Agency worker are looked down apon by many in the work place.Never did like snobs. :thumbs:

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If your a tradesman why dont you try sticking a few adverts around in shops etc, Most around me are about 50p a week so you cant really go wrong, I always put a load of shop ads out for my gardening work and they are easily the best value in terms of work gained from the cost of the ads. Nothing ventured nothing gained :thumbs: .





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theres good and bad agenies everywhere , ive had lads working for me for over 8 years there happy enough some work week to week and some are on longterm jobs one lad started at bristol airport 6 years ago and hes, now the supervisor [ but he s still an ageny worker ] the thing to do is be ontime everyday work hard and it will filter back to the agency and then you ll be looked after if you cant be bothered to go in fck about etc why should you be looked after ??


the reason profitable firms use agency labour is because its FREE as its all tax deductable so it doesn t cost them money to employ you the tax man pays for you

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I've worked for agencies in the past, some take the piss others aren't too bad. I've had a job where i've worked a 40 hour week and been paid £150 after tax, needless to say that didn't last long. I worked for another agency with a team and we were all on £6.15 an hour part time when everyone else was on £9/10 an hour with the company. Was a bit bitter about that to be fair considering i did the same job, the agency said if we passed our probation we'd be taken on permanently. 3 months passed, passed my probation, went to do my 'exams' to get a full time contract with the company, and passed with flying colours. I then had to wait for a space.....and waited. 10 months i waited and in the end the team got disbanded because the company were trying to pool resources elsewhere. It used to shut at 8pm and only got told at 7:45pm that this would be our last shift. Cheers!!!


The only good thing about that job was the double time for hours over my contracted 18.5 hours a week, and a boss who didn't mind fabricating your working hours when asked :thumbs: 60 hour weeks on double time were common place :whistling:

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i have just finished on a sight in ebbw vale for m.j.n colstons through an agency two weeks before the collapse of colsons we were informed

by phone a new agency would be paying us no pay on the friday

shit hit the fan monday company ceased trading on thursday morning all were

sent home now two weeks on still no pay 8 days owing union now involved

50 men left being owed 8 days pay 400 man hours given away 50 to £60000 work completed



Its a c@nts trick of the highest order on the agencys part just be carefull if any of the lads whos been ripped off put their name to the story if given to any press releases as their name could be black listed makeing it hard for them to get work in the future they dont like it one bit [bANNED TEXT] people stand up to them.


just a quick update managed to pick up 4 days last week and 3 days this week with a different agency and low and behold checked

the bank on the way home no money again contacted them to be told ( i cant understand why that has happend never mind we

will look into it on monday )

i thanked them for there concern and told them if money not in bank by close of play monday i would be at there office on tuesday for a face

to face discussion that now means i have not been paid for 4 weeks hard graft and am owed approx £2160 before stoppages between the

2 agency's it will be sorted one way or the other lets hope the lodging in H.M.P. are better than they used to be


Edited by keeper 51
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i have just finished on a sight in ebbw vale for m.j.n colstons through an agency two weeks before the collapse of colsons we were informed

by phone a new agency would be paying us no pay on the friday

shit hit the fan monday company ceased trading on thursday morning all were

sent home now two weeks on still no pay 8 days owing union now involved

50 men left being owed 8 days pay 400 man hours given away 50 to £60000 work completed



Its a c@nts trick of the highest order on the agencys part just be carefull if any of the lads whos been ripped off put their name to the story if given to any press releases as their name could be black listed makeing it hard for them to get work in the future they dont like it one bit [bANNED TEXT] people stand up to them.


just a quick update managed to pick up 4 days last week and 3 days this week with a different agency and low and behold checked

the bank on the way home no money again contacted them to be told ( i cant understand why that has happend never mind we

will look into it on monday )

i thanked them for there concern and told them if money not in bank by close of play monday i would be at there office on tuesday for a face

to face discussion that now means i have not been paid for 4 weeks hard graft and am owed approx £2160 before stoppages between the

2 agency's it will be sorted one way or the other lets hope the lodging in H.M.P. are better than they used to be


Fekin disgusting c**ts good luck with the out come.
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if you are going to be paid good money for what you do take it,,,,it dont matter if its agency or not but if they mess you about just tell them where to get of,,,,remember its better to have a bit of cash than none.if it works out alls well if it dont give them the elbow......simple



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A lot o places set on via agency now, its a good way for the company to see if you are any good with out a contract so they can get rid just as easily if your not.


Don't let this put you of tho can lead to some jobs as well. :thumbs:



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After a lot of years self employed came the global recession, and I lost a lot of work, mate took me to meet one of his bosses and they took me on through an agency, few fellas already there working through agencies, after 10 months they took a few of us on and binned the rest. Since then ive seen another 10 agency blokes come.......and go.

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