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22lr on Rabbits

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22lr rounds are not that great TBH, after shooting them for a lboody long time, they never really achieve great groups. My Daystate groups 10 times better than subs. Thats why I reckon long range with a rimmy would be fun, trying to achieve decent groups with them. On paper though,, consistent 100mtr plus shots on quarry would be a proper challenge, and not that great an idea really

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Perhaps she wasn't always Clare?

Zero at 50mtrs, longest was out at 100mtrs + but wouldn`t do that too often.

there shite dont bother

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  On 08/03/2012 at 21:03, The Duncan said:
  On 08/03/2012 at 20:58, MR TEA POT said:

So whats the best .17 hmr or .22lr? :whistling::boogy:


I have zeroed my at 50yds,but i keep forgeting im not shooting with a air rifle anymore and still try and stalk to 30yds for the shot :laugh:

Good to keep in practise mate!

Your right mate it is but 9 times out of 10 the rabbit legs it,and im sat there thinking i could have shot that from further away no need to stalk :laugh:

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Just watched a clip on youtube ".22LR Lethality - 300 yard ballistics" he's hitting a target simillar size to a rabbit at 300yds and the rounds are going straight through, I'm not saying shoot rabbits at this distance but it makes you realise that this little round is bloody lethal.

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  On 08/03/2012 at 21:07, richmcgin said:
  On 08/03/2012 at 21:02, paulus said:
  On 08/03/2012 at 20:58, richmcgin said:

not sure what thats all about!. do either of u actually shoot outside of your back gardens, i cant see why you find so hard to come to terms with people that manage in the situations they are presented with. its not like 100yrd is along way, most fishermen can cast a 2oz lead that far. You can shoot a rabbit with an air rifle at 40yrds if you can strech another 60yrds further than that with a 22lr is it worth having one.

you would be surprised how big my back garden is :laugh: open a box of subbies and have a propper look at them and then tell me without laughing there an accurate round :laugh:

ok yes i see what your saying but you have to manage with whats available and they are a hell of alot better than they used to be i can tell you.

Could do with somebody designing a better one though

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Its been along time since there has been a real breakthrough in bullet design, the 22lr presents lots of limitations to designers thats why we only see small tweeks in loads and bullets.

i dont think we will see much change in the next few years at least.

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  On 08/03/2012 at 21:34, richmcgin said:

no it didnt,! but what we did was very different we needed to disipate energy very quickly, within 20yrds. sarcasum if thats how you spell it is wasted on me iam affraid, it just makes the user look rather silly.

Now. For a laugh I am going to have your reply as a bit of a nibble..........but, I am actually starting to enjoy some of your posts.

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well i aim to please!!. but not sure about the use of enjoy in that statement? yes your right i do bite sometimes but iam getting better at ignoring things!. I have been around firearms for a long time and have met and spent time with some very inspiring and sometimes strange but commited people that have helped me out alot over the years, it taught me to always listen and disprove before you disregard.

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  On 08/03/2012 at 21:54, richmcgin said:

well i aim to please!!. but not sure about the use of enjoy in that statement? yes your right i do bite sometimes but iam getting better at ignoring things!. I have been around firearms for a long time and have met and spent time with some very inspiring and sometimes strange but commited people that have helped me out alot over the years, it taught me to always listen and disprove before you disregard.

I too have been shooting for a long time, over 40 years now, and I can tell you that I have met some very strange gun nuts in my time, but, some of those nuts I have met, have actually had a wealth of knowledge to impart, others have just been cocks.


I have a feeling that you will dumb down and become one of those that will assist and amuse. Two qualities that are great.


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I have seen the you tube vid if its the joint of beef wrapped in denim they are shooting! Im zeroed for 70 and shoot most of my rabbits at 70 yards or below. I have only ever taken a few long shots i missed one completly and the other i managed ro turn a crow over at 98 yatds.

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  On 09/03/2012 at 06:50, ajaxinvincible said:

I have seen the you tube vid if its the joint of beef wrapped in denim they are shooting! Im zeroed for 70 and shoot most of my rabbits at 70 yards or below. I have only ever taken a few long shots i missed one completly and the other i managed ro turn a crow over at 98 yatds.

Thats the one, a big joint of beef wrapped in denim,when they're done shooting and start to cut the beef up to examin the bullet damage it kinda makes me want to fire up the barbeque.
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