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out last night for an hour

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the cloud cover was ok last night with a few spots of rain so i decided to go for a bit of a mooch with koda and rifle in the hope of a few maggies just to give the pup a bit of the real thing in his mouth as it must get boring retrieving the tennis ball and canvas dummy each day .i arrived at a nice copse that always holds woodies and it didnt take long to find a few roosting together so after giving koda the sit command i dropped a woody sending the rest into flight i retrieved the bird and koda remained rock steady ,we walked on and koda spooked a few magpies wich turned out ok for me as one presented itself in a nice position and down it came koda retrieved it and was praised up i dropped 3more woodies and the dog brought them all back to hand by now it was raining heavy and we called it a night .i could have stayed out and walked further a feild and probably shot more woodies but hey! theres always another day- billy


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