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Decoying pigeons

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I have recently got myself a weihrauch HW97KT was wondering if it worth buying a few decoys for wood pigeons , most of my shoot is mainly just grazing fields so there is no real food to attract the birds down but I was wondering if decoys might be worth a try as the pigeons seem be roosting along the trees seperatinf the fields

, thank you


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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Yes Micheal well worth it the best bet is in late august on water troughs on the pasture I have hundreds over watertoughs and muck heaps with the air rifle as a lad.


ATB Cookie

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Roost time can be very good too. Its a case of sitting tight for about 30 seconds after they land before you fine tune your aim - they are extra wary for the first half minute after they land.

97K - excellent rifle, so accuracy shouldn't be a problem :thumbs:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Also if the fields arent grazed at this time of year you might get a few dropping onto clover and also some wild flowers

worth a try - I was out trying to bring a few into clover with the air rifle yesterday but with no success its a bit different to using the shottie, but if you can perfect it then you can probably get permission on the fields where the farmer's normal pigeon shooters cant go with the shotguns because of the noise

Let us know how you get on

Atb Ratty

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