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chips n mash

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i been working on a beef farm for a week or so , and this morning a wagon pulls in and tipped a full trailer of frozen chips in the yard , when the farmer came i asked why have they tipped all them chips there , its food for the cows he says !! they also have mash potato . apparentley they mix em in with there food , well i never knew that ??

You cant beat steak and chips :laugh:
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its surprizing what some of them feed to the cows, some farmers round our way feed waste potato slops out of local food factory, when i was on the hgv's we quite often pulled into south kirkby for 25t of bread, and that was taken to various farms in cumbria and fed to the cows, we used to do a bit of ratting on a local shithole and this bloke used to feed onions to his fat cattle. 28t was delivered every friday, as the winter came to a close and his silage was running out he started getting 56t a week and the poor cows were fed solely of onions, so if you butched one of his cattle you wouldnt need onion rings with yer steak thats for sure,lol

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My farmer mate feeds his mash, but not tattie mash, old mash from the mash tuns at the distillery...coos love it! He also gets tunnocks caramel wafers and teacakes that have been mashed up and turned into cattle cake....coos love that too - nae wonder!! But he has trouble with the badgers trying to get into his food store....turns oot they like tunnocks too!

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My farmer mate feeds his mash, but not tattie mash, old mash from the mash tuns at the distillery...coos love it! He also gets tunnocks caramel wafers and teacakes that have been mashed up and turned into cattle cake....coos love that too - nae wonder!! But he has trouble with the badgers trying to get into his food store....turns oot they like tunnocks too!

what is tattie?





:huh: :huh: :huh:

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Ye dont know what tunnocks is?? Poor scone, look it up on the net, if you have never tried them, well, you are in for a treat!! Or a heart attack or diabetes or a stroke.....ha ha Scottish delicacies!

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