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every f***ing party is the same. tories were in power for years,run the country for there own benefit and shafted us.then labour came to power,for the time they were in power they blamed any probs on

A conservative politician, a working man and a disabled man are sitting round a table. On the table there is a plate with 10 biscuits. The Tory takes 9 biscuits, turns to the working man and says "You

I for one will be sad to see a true patriot like Maggie die, she broke the communists and in my opinion should have had the traitor Scargill hung like the soviet infiltrator he was!   Still, each to

Labour screwed us all in the 1st 5 years, they laughed at us the next 5 years ( i bet they couldnt believe there luck) & when they got voted in for another 5year they fkin us good style, they really did take the piss .


They gave it all away to over seas parasites,thinking they were comming to spend money :laugh: the low life im talking about, not the pole who works hard or the greek or italian factory worker, who dont even know what the dss is , I meen the scum bags, who claim for all, & then curse & hate the British way of life. Labour have always fked the workers & given it to the wasters, there are genuine claims i know,elderly, disabled etc but the double standard scroungers who have ruined our high British standards !

Who is going to get up for there shift at 5am when they know the next door neighbour is screwing the system , claiming single parent, housing,c/tax ,kids, school etc etc & a boyfriend who lives in & works on the side etc . :bad: It causes animosity. Blair handed it to Brown so he got remembered !! :hmm:


On the other hand the Conservatives always looked after the guy who worked & is proud to be a Brit ( falklands etc ) & limited funds to the lazy, or the cheats.


At the end of the day, its not the party any more ,its the face :yes: Christian way of life or sharia !! The majority wins, them who do not vote give it away ,all away. Make it count & vote when you have chance. This is England & we need to keep it this way, before the hand that feeds gets bitten..HARD TOO ! :cray: Then were all fked , the churches will come down, your missus will be ordered to wear a burka & the Romanians will tax you hard, & the Africans will befriend & drug the kids with killer mixes, ir even run amok with machetes. :blink: Just look how they live, i worked in Africa for just short of 2 years, you hard boys have seen nothing ! Its a way of life to them to chop you up in bed for your nike trainers or levi jeans !!!


To add to it all, there is no deterrent here for them, a suspended sentence on grounds of hard ship :laugh: bound over, a few weeks in a butlins prison cell :laugh: , its encouragement for them who have nothing, to be housed & fed by the tax payer , then released & given a vouchers for a driving lessons & a shopping spree ! :bad:

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Don't trust a fecking one of them Northernlite,it seems from todays bye election UKIP are gaining support apace,if nothing else this surely will give the Tories/Labour a clear message regarding the nations feelings regarding the EU :censored: after suffering crippling arthritis for 16 months my wife has finally been registered disabled ,so for the first time in nearly 30 years I am living on benefits :icon_redface: I care for the wife 24/7 wich entitles me to a weekly" wage" of £58.....every day I watch the alcoholics who live in the sheltered accommodation up the street from me walking to the off license to spend their £10 a day alcohol allowance (from the government) whilst we get to go without most things....most of these have never worked in their lives :icon_eek: work that one out.... that we have food on the table and a roof over our heads given our present situation is a privilige not afforded to many in other countries and for that we are grateful,but handing out cash to piss heads/junkies needs addressing ASAP ,hope Ive not wandered too far off topic ....rant over ATB Dave

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well has anyone changed there mind :laugh:

I voted conservative because oddly enough I thought I would get conservatives, but what I actually got was another bunch of f***ing socialists !!

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well has anyone changed there mind :laugh:

I voted conservative because oddly enough I thought I would get conservatives, but what I actually got was another bunch of f***ing socialists !!

100% agree

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Max you always talk a lot of sense mate but I just can't agree that you should pay more just because you own a high value house......it's cheap politics playing to the mob IMHO


Not everyone who own a million quid house is a toff or a banker or bond trader, there's all sorts like green grocers , machine dealers, oil workers, engineers.....lads who came from nothing and grafted and done well


I will just never see the logic in making someone who has done well pay more......how does that encourage hard work in any way at all?


It sends a message that says " we will allow you to only do so well after that it ours!!" .......there is absolutely nothing fair about that no matter what way you spin it


A,couple of pals of mine, old boys out of south London who came from big poor family's , own places worth over a million quid......they have took there chances, worked there plums off all their life so why should they pay a penny more that someone who has done f**k all ??


All this finger pointing from the politicians makes me sick pal


Just add, all this talk about this corporation not paying tax in the UK and that corporation not paying tax in the UK.......what folk are losing sight of is that these people have done nothing wrong!! Absolutely nothing illegal, it's all within the rules.....all this nonsense about " moral" don't come into it........it's business nothing more ( how an MP can talk about morality is a bit rich anyway)


Don't forget these companies employ thousands of people who all DO pay tax, they use thousands of suppliers who all DO pay tax as do there employees......what do we want them to do? f**k off and put all these people out of work??.......it happened the other week with Barclays, we all got our way and put one in the eye of the bank.....end result? 6000 people lost their job!! Yeah, f***ing nice one!!


Mental, absolutely mental!!

Edited by WILF
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I voted conservative purely as i can't stand labour and hoped they would look at the hunting act and a possible repeal, but that just shows my naivety to be honest. Personally i think the NHS service is one of this countries strong points, rich or poor in my experience you get a great standard of care. My mate in the USA pays $3,000 a month for private healthcare cover for his family of 5. Trouble is Cameron and Clegg are the same as every other politician, egomaniacs, self centred, full of shit and out of touch with reality. The bedroom tax is laughable, and so is the recent request for a 46% payrise for mp's..........

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I did. No fkn way would I vote Labour or Lib Dem - I hoped there'd be the slightest chance of overturning hunting act. But it appears that I was (like many others) living with my head up my ass!!!!

Like someone else said - they were also the worst of a bad bunch... :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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The time isn't right to vote for a repeal of the hunting ban, the country is on its knees if a vote was forced then it would end up with the appeal being overturned and that will be the end of any hunting repeal.


I believe the Tory's will bring it to a vote if there still in power and when public opinion is not so consumed with the economy.


IMO Cameron has had his hands tied behind his back having to bow down to Clegg and is limp wristed liberal ethics. I just know one thing if Labour get back in power you may as well turn off the lights and close the door as this country will be lost forever.

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Max you always talk a lot of sense mate but I just can't agree that you should pay more just because you own a high value house......it's cheap politics playing to the mob IMHO


Not everyone who own a million quid house is a toff or a banker or bond trader, there's all sorts like green grocers , machine dealers, oil workers, engineers.....lads who came from nothing and grafted and done well


I will just never see the logic in making someone who has done well pay more......how does that encourage hard work in any way at all?


It sends a message that says " we will allow you to only do so well after that it ours!!" .......there is absolutely nothing fair about that no matter what way you spin it


A,couple of pals of mine, old boys out of south London who came from big poor family's , own places worth over a million quid......they have took there chances, worked there plums off all their life so why should they pay a penny more that someone who has done f**k all ??


All this finger pointing from the politicians makes me sick pal


Just add, all this talk about this corporation not paying tax in the UK and that corporation not paying tax in the UK.......what folk are losing sight of is that these people have done nothing wrong!! Absolutely nothing illegal, it's all within the rules.....all this nonsense about " moral" don't come into it........it's business nothing more ( how an MP can talk about morality is a bit rich anyway)


Don't forget these companies employ thousands of people who all DO pay tax, they use thousands of suppliers who all DO pay tax as do there employees......what do we want them to do? f**k off and put all these people out of work??.......it happened the other week with Barclays, we all got our way and put one in the eye of the bank.....end result? 6000 people lost their job!! Yeah, f***ing nice one!!


Mental, absolutely mental!!

I agree with most of what your saying, apart from the corperations. This is these massive multi nationals make it impossable for the small guys to get a foot in the door. They pay less taxes so can afford to charge less for what ever it is, shift more stock ect ect ect the small guys cant compete with that. Why should a huge company like starbucks be able to flood the market and force out the small guys who arguably are a greater benifit to the country. A;so who want to see a starbucks ever 100m like it is in london. Then worst of all the vast sums of money go abroard and we dont see any of the benefit.

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Max you always talk a lot of sense mate but I just can't agree that you should pay more just because you own a high value house......it's cheap politics playing to the mob IMHO


Not everyone who own a million quid house is a toff or a banker or bond trader, there's all sorts like green grocers , machine dealers, oil workers, engineers.....lads who came from nothing and grafted and done well


I will just never see the logic in making someone who has done well pay more......how does that encourage hard work in any way at all?


It sends a message that says " we will allow you to only do so well after that it ours!!" .......there is absolutely nothing fair about that no matter what way you spin it


A,couple of pals of mine, old boys out of south London who came from big poor family's , own places worth over a million quid......they have took there chances, worked there plums off all their life so why should they pay a penny more that someone who has done f**k all ??


All this finger pointing from the politicians makes me sick pal


Just add, all this talk about this corporation not paying tax in the UK and that corporation not paying tax in the UK.......what folk are losing sight of is that these people have done nothing wrong!! Absolutely nothing illegal, it's all within the rules.....all this nonsense about " moral" don't come into it........it's business nothing more ( how an MP can talk about morality is a bit rich anyway)


Don't forget these companies employ thousands of people who all DO pay tax, they use thousands of suppliers who all DO pay tax as do there employees......what do we want them to do? f**k off and put all these people out of work??.......it happened the other week with Barclays, we all got our way and put one in the eye of the bank.....end result? 6000 people lost their job!! Yeah, f***ing nice one!!


Mental, absolutely mental!!

surely thats just capitalism you rave about they can do it in another country cheaper

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The rules apply to everyone.......nothing is stopping anyone going off shore


Buch makes some valid points but if people use them then they will be there, same as tesco.......I don't like any of these big super chain type shops but I certainly don't resent them earning money, that is the sole purpose of any good business.


I was at a traveller boys house in Surrey a few months back, it must be worth £2.5 million if its a penny, buys and sells things and grafts.......not exactly a rich banker and why should either pay a penny more.....someone please tell me?

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