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Nite Hunter Digi Addon

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Hi folks....


It's seems it's been an age since I last posted something on here and am pleased to be back.


Anyway, me m wor kid got an invitation off Si & Laura to go down have a look at the grounds & layout for the upcoming meet and a bit of shooting in Si's indoor range & tried the matchstick challenge.... Which is a LOT harder than it seems!!

Whilst we were there Si showed us a new prototype of an Digi NV scope add on currently in development by nite-hunter.com.


The design itself is based on and fits like a normal NV add on but thats where the similarities end.

The main unit itself is a self contained recording unit so you can choose to record your footage without the need of a separate unit.

Sighting through the unit is done through a series of lenses of which both focus and zoom (up to 10x) can be adjusted and gives a natural feel and shooting position as though you were using a normal scope or dedicated NV.

This way the backglare is kept down to a minimum unlike the nite-site whose mini display kind of put me off being as bright as it is even dimming it down.


In addition to the unit an attached IR lamp and laser can be added to enhance illumination and can be switched between the 2 very quickly by a toggle switch on the lamp and also dimmed using the dimmer switch if it becomes too bright.

The lamp was designed with airgunners in mind being at its optimum use at 45-50yds but on testing the unit branches of a tree at 99yds were still visible so quarry would be still detectable at ranges in between.

Next came the piece-de-resistance.... When the IR400 laser illuminator was switched on.... Night quite literally became day.....

In the same tree is a crows nest, scope on 10x mag and the unit zoomed in & when using the laser you can VERY clearly make out the individual twigs making up the construction of the nest and that's at 99yds!!! More than on par with some of the Gen3 units on the market at a fraction of the price.

This only being a prototype there are still tweaks/ improvements to be made &

Footage of the unit in action can be found on the VerminhunterTV YouTube channel

For all you sceptics this unit really does do what it says on the tin!!!


So...Am I impressed????.......VERY!!

Anyone wanna buy a Yukon Sentinel???



Edited by Marksman
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you mention in your post about using an ir or a lamp and switching between either using a toggle switch on the lamp.does this mean that you have to buy a nitehunter laser and lamp to be able to do this.does anyone have a picture of the addon ,laser and lamp all fitted together .thanks in advance for your reply.

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  On 05/03/2012 at 10:01, dogvixen01 said:

you mention in your post about using an ir or a lamp and switching between either using a toggle switch on the lamp.does this mean that you have to buy a nitehunter laser and lamp to be able to do this.does anyone have a picture of the addon ,laser and lamp all fitted together .thanks in advance for your reply.

think this is what you are asking for this was the one I had on test with a N550



this is the back were you can see the toggle and the battery pack that fits to the stock



Edited by verminator 66
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i have an n550.did you find the nighthunter 300 i/r any good.some i/r additional light source s are not compatible with some nv . i tried the 300 with a pulsar add on and it was no good.i have asked nitehunter if it is compatible and they said it should be , i will have to pm zini to see if it has been tried .but to try it,do you use a doubler on your n550 .if so is it any good.thanks.

Edited by dogvixen01
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Russell just wait a few weeks pal as the product nite Hunter is going to be building may be what you are looking for for your n550.


We have plans to build a prototype called the Solar Flare that i have been thinking about for a month now.


This unit will use a new item from industry that isn't on sale yet in the shops but nite hunter as managed to get straight from the engineering source.


Can't say more than that yet buddy.




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