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Please Help with rapid bunny dispatch

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Put the pellet in the breach backwards, fires like an extreme hollow point, kills quick. Obviously, if its a dual power level HW45, cock it all the way.





Hi Duncan,

Sorry totally dissagree with that it will go through the brain and out the other side :yes:

At PBR, its imprtant to transfere as much shock to the brain as possible to shut it down, therefore cocking only to the lower power is less likely to over penetrate (although its still possible) but because it's travelling slower, more kinetic enegy is transfered into the surrounding brain tissue and its that that shuts down the brain.


The shot from the top of the head will have had further to go and so impart more shock energy to the system. The only shot that will both kill a bunny and prevent it from kicking is one that decimates the Cerabellum (to the back and lower part of the brain). Hit that and the bunny just drops, no jump, no kicking, but its a very tiny area to hit.



Hi Tony, hope your well ;)


My advice is based on direct experience of the same pistol chickens and trapped bunnies

Full power with pellets fed backwards worked a treat- lights switched off





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Why would you risk the unnecessary pain and torment, quick humane kills are the only way to carryout such a task.

Only way imho is to grab the hind legs in left hand (for a r/h person), make a V sign with your right hand - have the bunny with its back to you, place V sign around neck so as spine is in the V then a sharp pull downwards (as if your stretching the rabbit) and towards the tail, job done and if you cant manage to do that should you really be shooting it in the first place?

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Me too Duncan ;)


Although I've not done the chickens :laugh: and I am under no illusions that it would not work your way just as well as it does mine.


I'm okay, well I should be after I get my long overdue injection tomorrow :boogy:



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TAZER THE BUCKERS...........................of course......I jest


And then tickle em to death right Cuz :guitar:


Dayum................. yeppers curz.......dern critters done bin eetun ma grayyyens.l.....teek......teek......teek... :wallbash:

Edited by Sweeney-Todd
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