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Best time for speying

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I have two Jills and as I don't want kits I think it will be best to spey, I don't want them to risk infection every time they come in season either as I would be gutted if anything happened to them, so my question is when is the best time to spey and do they need the jab to bring them out of season first?



Sorry if its been asked before, had a look but couldn't find anything :no:


Thanks in advance :D

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If your definately not going to mate them then they will need a jill jab which will bring them out of season as they cannot be spayed whilst they are in season. Around 14 days after the jill jab they can be spayed. If you are lucky enough and they are not yet in season get them straight to the vets and they wont need a jill jab first. Hope this helps. :)

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  Coneytrappr said:
Some vets will spay whilst they are in heat, others will want to give them a jill jab first. If they are in heat then they are old enough to get done. :yes:


I must admit i hadnt heard of vets speying while in season till last yr :hmm: i thought the general opinion was leave it till the jill was out of oestrus as the blood supply to the womb was less,therefore less risk while under anesthetic.


Personally i would leave it till she is out of season then get her done ;)

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