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knuckle the documentary

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I know what you are saying about having a wad of cash and nice motors and all that, but there is a lot more to life than all the material things although they are nice to have I dont covet anyone else

she was not ill he beat her to death the papers are not saying have of what he did to her. he is in court now charged with her murder. now why was james shot years ago because he was flat out selling


Off topic slightly but......


Paddy Doherty can come and live with me anytime :D:yes:

:laugh: hes on here under the name irish lurcher :whistling:

Dont be telling me that....................................... or he will have to watch himself when he's alone :D
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hey mo u looking the balls off the hole lol ya thinking bout doing a bita outcrossing wi gypsy blood haha oj

D'ye know what kid.............................. Id marry oul Paddy today - if i had the chance :D I think he's lovely :icon_redface:
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right folks if you have watched this documentary about the quinn mcdonaghs i will say one thing that they are drug dealing scum and one of the ones in this documentary michael quinn mc donagh is after being charged with the murder of his wife jacqueline. rip. the dirty scum for what he did.hope this link works


Cops quiz husband over Jacqueline McDonagh murder | The Sun ...

I thought she died coz she was ill how you know there drug dealers mate

she was not ill he beat her to death the papers are not saying have of what he did to her. he is in court now charged with her murder. now why was james shot years ago because he was flat out selling drugs. why were they run out of dublin last year?? for the same shit they have done for a very long time. now i know a lot of decent travellers and they are even sick at what he done to her.

f*****g sick b*****d they make out there big hard men and hes gone and killed the mother of his kids now hes trying to make out hes got metal problems hope he gets smashed to f**k in side
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right folks if you have watched this documentary about the quinn mcdonaghs i will say one thing that they are drug dealing scum and one of the ones in this documentary michael quinn mc donagh is after being charged with the murder of his wife jacqueline. rip. the dirty scum for what he did.hope this link works


Cops quiz husband over Jacqueline McDonagh murder | The Sun ...

I thought she died coz she was ill how you know there drug dealers mate

she was not ill he beat her to death the papers are not saying have of what he did to her. he is in court now charged with her murder. now why was james shot years ago because he was flat out selling drugs. why were they run out of dublin last year?? for the same shit they have done for a very long time. now i know a lot of decent travellers and they are even sick at what he done to her.

f*****g sick b*****d they make out there big hard men and hes gone and killed the mother of his kids now hes trying to make out hes got metal problems hope he gets smashed to f**k in side

well he is a p***y,,,,,,,, :D

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Steroid rage

Dear god - i love the way there is ALWAYS one who has all the answers :huh:


Have you actually ever been around steroid users.? I must say i dont think you have, after your "conclusion".


Steroid rage is actually rarer than you think, only a small amount of people on steroids that get actual RAGE due to the use of steroids :thumbs:

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Steroid rage

Dear god - i love the way there is ALWAYS one who has all the answers :huh:


Have you actually ever been around steroid users.? I must say i dont think you have, after your "conclusion".


Steroid rage is actually rarer than you think, only a small amount of people on steroids that get actual RAGE due to the use of steroids :thumbs:

well holly f**k my mates must be using different gear then the people you know lol.I think different people react different to gear but most of the lads train with have had their own little roid rage incident :laugh:
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Steroid rage

Dear god - i love the way there is ALWAYS one who has all the answers :huh:


Have you actually ever been around steroid users.? I must say i dont think you have, after your "conclusion".


Steroid rage is actually rarer than you think, only a small amount of people on steroids that get actual RAGE due to the use of steroids :thumbs:

well holly f**k my mates must be using different gear then the people you know lol.I think different people react different to gear but most of the lads train with have had their own little roid rage incident :laugh:

Must be..


Not seen a "RAGE" - from any of them........... tbh i think some of their so called rage, is just purely associated with them thinking they are hard ffs lol

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