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borrowing legalities

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Does anyone know if it is legal to borrow a FAC if you have that calibre on your certificate, my cousin usually comes shooting with me a .308 and I can't make it today, he has permission on the same land and has .308 on his FAC could he borrow mine legally.


Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know if it is legal to borrow a FAC if you have that calibre on your certificate, my cousin usually comes shooting with me a .308 and I can't make it today, he has permission on the same land and has .308 on his FAC could he borrow mine legally.


Thanks in advance.



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Does anyone know if it is legal to borrow a FAC if you have that calibre on your certificate, my cousin usually comes shooting with me a .308 and I can't make it today, he has permission on the same land and has .308 on his FAC could he borrow mine legally.


Thanks in advance.



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If he doesn't already own a .308 and has a slot on his ticket and permission on the land all you need do is complete a transfer form with the gun details and state borrowed, and send it to the Firearms dept. job done you're all legal. it just means the rifle will be on both your tickets. You don't even have to wait for them to receive it, as long as the details have been filled in on his ticket you state "Lent"



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If he doesn't already own a .308 and has a slot on his ticket and permission on the land all you need do is complete a transfer form with the gun details and state borrowed, and send it to the Firearms dept. job done you're all legal. it just means the rifle will be on both your tickets. You don't even have to wait for them to receive it, as long as the details have been filled in on his ticket you state "Lent"




Simonrees your answer is incorrect. As the original question stated TODAY !

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If he doesn't already own a .308 and has a slot on his ticket and permission on the land all you need do is complete a transfer form with the gun details and state borrowed, and send it to the Firearms dept. job done you're all legal. it just means the rifle will be on both your tickets. You don't even have to wait for them to receive it, as long as the details have been filled in on his ticket you state "Lent"




Simonrees your answer is incorrect. As the original question stated TODAY !

you just fill it in as stated above and its legal as long as it has todays date on
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If he doesn't already own a .308 and has a slot on his ticket and permission on the land all you need do is complete a transfer form with the gun details and state borrowed, and send it to the Firearms dept. job done you're all legal. it just means the rifle will be on both your tickets. You don't even have to wait for them to receive it, as long as the details have been filled in on his ticket you state "Lent"




Simonrees your answer is incorrect. As the original question stated TODAY !


My answer is correct! even if its today! If you go and buy a gun from a gun shop you don't have to wait a week until the police receive the paper work before you can go and use it do you! ;)

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