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drugs raves bouncers

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went to a rave last night and was blown away. Will put my hands up its the first time ive raved without getting on mdma so was more clear headed. I watched these two black fellas grab a bloke n decided just to follow as they didnt look like bouncers. They told him they was undercover bouncers and hed offered people drugs so his being searched. He asked how does he know their bouncers so one of the lads went and got a bouncer. The bouncer searched the bloke found what looked a few hundred quid. The black lads took the money and shook the bouncers hand and told the bloke to go enjoy the rave. Being clear headed I asked what do they do when they catch dealers and was told they get given a chance to hand over their drugs and money or have the police called. Saw a bloke who I have seen every week looking off his tits but never dancing. He would buy mdma from the dealers walk away and pull out his phone, I thought he must be cid but i saw him in the smoking area shaking hands with one big c**t who id seen shake the black fellas hands. Ive sort of worked it out that the bouncers allow these black guys too rob the drug dealers and take the cash and have the big f****r and his mate the drugs and have them selling em inside as theyd asked us if we was after anything.


Bit pointless but i was wondering could this actually be going on? thought this sort of shit only happened in films and surely one cid inside the rave and the bouncers and all involved would be f****d,

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I would have thought the cid would be working along side the bouncers in there mate? they stand out like a sore thumb. two blokes in their late 30s unable to dance just standing there drinking at a drum and bass rave :whistling:. I have seen them watching the dealers n straight away on their phones texting. I asumed they text the bouncers and have the dealers pulled in rather than the actual cid grabbing them there and then. Bouncers then know when the cid are inside and warn those on their side. Could be the bouncers are told by the cid and drag them into a hidden room just to be seen to be searching the dealers and prehaps catch the odd small fish.


All way to much of a risk in my books but found it bloody mad to see going on and some what interesting.

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I can't imagine too many door lads wanting to help those who hinder and seek to prosecute at every opportunity, I've been asked a few times over the years if I'd let them know when Mr X walks in the pub, or is spending a lot in the clothes shops I used to look after, answer was always the same, "yes officer, no problem", never once helped them though, I work for me and look after my own interests, as I'm sure the lads who you saw tonight, life's hard and we've all got to earn.

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They say the 'Bouncer wars' have stopped, have they f**k!

These lot sound like they're a bit too blatant, but realistically there are a few who take back handers at the very least... At the worst end there's still security firms run by criminals.


Just look for the massive meathead wearing a T-Shirt saying 'Drink collector', too much of an idiot to get a licence but still employed to do the same job.

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seen the same in stoke ( @ north, glass street) many years ago dare. bouncers basically just robbed a guy of his pills and money then left him to enjoy the night and yes they were black :yes:

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seen the same in stoke ( @ north, glass street) many years ago dare. bouncers basically just robbed a guy of his pills and money then left him to enjoy the night and yes they were black :yes:

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Some what knew it went on. We go every weekend following the dnb scene and always see the same faces. I've seen a few dealers get caught n walked off with the bouncers n then see em later in the rave. I didn't expect the bouncers to put the drugs in the bin more sell em to someone outside of the rave.

With the comment about not wanting to be cid inside the rave...have defiantly seen cid but I'm thinking they wouldn't arrest anyone. The bouncers have searched me and my mates as suspected dealing. We was taken into a hidden room of the rave and told well be searched and its all on cctv. I guess the bouncers will just do a light search if the cid ask the bouncers too pull in one of their workers or the bouncers tip off their dealers as to who's cid as their bound to know. Wonder if all the bouncers have to be in on it or if you get the jobs worth and what happens if he catchs a bouncers dealer? Bouncers must make a pretty decent living then just by taxing the drug dealers lol better get my arse down the gym.

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Some what knew it went on. We go every weekend following the dnb scene and always see the same faces. I've seen a few dealers get caught n walked off with the bouncers n then see em later in the rave. I didn't expect the bouncers to put the drugs in the bin more sell em to someone outside of the rave.

With the comment about not wanting to be cid inside the rave...have defiantly seen cid but I'm thinking they wouldn't arrest anyone. The bouncers have searched me and my mates as suspected dealing. We was taken into a hidden room of the rave and told well be searched and its all on cctv. I guess the bouncers will just do a light search if the cid ask the bouncers too pull in one of their workers or the bouncers tip off their dealers as to who's cid as their bound to know. Wonder if all the bouncers have to be in on it or if you get the jobs worth and what happens if he catchs a bouncers dealer? Bouncers must make a pretty decent living then just by taxing the drug dealers lol better get my arse down the gym.


You'd get bummed!

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