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visla not pointing ?

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BrianSteven72, pointing breeds tend to have a strong pointing instinct. But, it has to be nurtured to a certain extent. Some pups will point right out of the box. While others, have to be brought along. Letting a pointing dog catch any prey, is the quickest way to take the point out of it. Flushing would be the second quickest.



Edited by Mickey Finn
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yep its a delicate issue getting a dog steady to point. letting a dog work up and flush will just about ruin it for pointing and working it with a flushing breed such as a springer will only make it more determined to flush the game first. Depending on the dog of course most arent in the field until they are between 18 months and 3 years old.


It doesnt sound as though it matters to you that the dog isnt pointing so just enjoy its flushing capabilitys and let it be a pet.

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thanks guys for the answers , and your right it does not matter at all that it does not point in fact i would much rather it flushed than pointed if i can only have one and yes it does work with spaniels and lurchers so not the best to bring out the point in it thanks again :)

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