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mooching on the new permission

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well we had a new permission so we thought we would go and have a mooch on wednesday and after leaving home at 5;15 we got there at 7am we then went on the land and walked roughly 50 yrds from the car and this was what we done next :)





yes digging one of the dogs out for the next three hours fun lol finally we got him out and had a bit of breakie and a drink and continued on and came to the last bury of the day and puts the ferret in and surprises yes she kills in and ended up digging her outta from under this




but all in all it was nice to see my young un doing some work and getting in amongst it all :)

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i know mate lol it bad already like lol but yeah we had a couple and there loads around there but it a type of place thats better for the lamp so that what we gonna do next season take the lurchers instead of terriers lol much easier on this permission and its all flat grass land so brll for running a dog :)

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