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What would a THL goverment manfesto have in it

Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

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1.farmers should be must employ 50% english workers,the govt to send the benefits people who cant find work to said farmers

2.disability claimants to be checked/watched to see if they have valid claims,not just a bad back from watching jeremy kyle allday

3.if someone breaks into your house you should be able to kill them

4.self employed people to recieve some sort of benefits,or help if they run into trouble due to weather or lack of work

5.spitting in public 1month in jail

6.i give up i be here all night....lol :laugh:

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1=hunting ban lifted

2=all illegal immigrants returned to where they come from

3=all people on the dole to do community work ,i have to work to keep them so they can give something back

4=bring back death penalty for murderers and kiddy fiddlers and rapists.

5=get country out of european union and sack all that human rights shit


could go on all day but have to go to work soon lol


1 - Agreeable :yes:

2 - Would we then have to repatriate Brits that have emigrated and set up new lives in other countries, ban people from working outside the UK as we wouldn't allow others to fill the Brit jobs :blink:

3 - Isn't this under way and failing miserably at the moment, how would you implement it so it worked :hmm:

4 - Agreeable :yes: but need a more reliable structure to the Judicial system in this country first :yes:

5 - 100% Agreeable, seems the only people who have any rights are the ones doing wrong at the moment :thumbs:


Top Avatar, seen them last October at the Empire, top night :boogy:

Point 2 Marvin..............The British people you mention i'm sure have emmigrated and fell into the rules and customes of wherever they have moved too. If they haven't or broken the law they should be shipped out. Dont know the laws of countries but i'd image that happens anyway....its only this country that is weak willed and f*****g useless!!... :thumbs:

not all do mate ;)

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work for 7 days then have 7 days off ,while someone else is having 7 days on,no vat ,sensible level of council tax i.e £100 per year same for road tax i.e £10 per year.tax breaks for mobile hairdressers so theres more of them,id like to be able to get a hair cut any were at any time

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How about the right of the electorate to suspend their MP if he doesn't vote according to their wishes.


...... With a rope.


Great idea.


What do you suggest? A referendum every time an MP needs to vote?


What is the point of appointing someone to represent you in parliament if you don't let them vote on your behalf?

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1. Rapists\peado's\people who make storys up about being a victim of these crimes - Murdered with a chainsaw

2. Repel the hunting ban with dogs (including badgers and otters)

3. Send all asylem seekers\terrorists\people who dont like the country and values to f**k off somewhere else

4. Burn bramell lane down

5. legalise prostituion

6. legalise cannabis in your own property.

7. put the drinking age upto 25.

8. Also hang heroin dealers.

Edited by GrCh
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1. Rapists\peado's\people who make storys up about being a victim of these crimes - Murdered with a chainsaw

2. Repel the hunting ban with dogs (including badgers and otters)

3. Send all asylem seekers\terrorists\people who dont like the country and values to f**k off somewhere else

4. Burn bramell lane down

5. legalise prostituion

6. legalise cannabis in your own property.

7. put the drinking age upto 25.

What age are you again mate?.... :D

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1. Rapists\peado's\people who make storys up about being a victim of these crimes - Murdered with a chainsaw

2. Repel the hunting ban with dogs (including badgers and otters)

3. Send all asylem seekers\terrorists\people who dont like the country and values to f**k off somewhere else

4. Burn bramell lane down

5. legalise prostituion

6. legalise cannabis in your own property.

7. put the drinking age upto 25.

What age are you again mate?.... :D


old enough pal. :thumbs:

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1. Rapists\peado's\people who make storys up about being a victim of these crimes - Murdered with a chainsaw

2. Repel the hunting ban with dogs (including badgers and otters)

3. Send all asylem seekers\terrorists\people who dont like the country and values to f**k off somewhere else

4. Burn bramell lane down

5. legalise prostituion

6. legalise cannabis in your own property.

7. put the drinking age upto 25.

What age are you again mate?.... :D


old enough pal. :thumbs:

Bawhair........... :yes::D

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1. Rapists\peado's\people who make storys up about being a victim of these crimes - Murdered with a chainsaw

2. Repel the hunting ban with dogs (including badgers and otters)

3. Send all asylem seekers\terrorists\people who dont like the country and values to f**k off somewhere else

4. Burn bramell lane down

5. legalise prostituion

6. legalise cannabis in your own property.

7. put the drinking age upto 25.

What age are you again mate?.... :D


old enough pal. :thumbs:

Bawhair........... :yes::D


what you skirt wearing puff? :whistling:

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What do you suggest? A referendum every time an MP needs to vote?


What is the point of appointing someone to represent you in parliament if you don't let them vote on your behalf?


I assume that the initial comment was an attempt at sarcasm?


The point of electing a representative is not to give them a divine right to vote as they please, but for them to vote in a manner that is truly representative of the wishes of those who elected them.


Hyperbole aside, I suggest two strategies.

(1) A mechanism whereby an electorate is able to recall their MP and force a by-election. If that mecahnism required - for example - a major percentage of the registered voters in that electorate signing a petition in order to force a by-election, it would not become a referendum on every vote, but something that would only come into action if the sitting member voted in a way that was objected to by a large majority of his constituents.

(2) A mechanism by which the pension of a retiring or defeated MP's pension was determined by the assessment of their constituents. In our own parliament, we have a man who has effectively betrayed his constituents by taking action that will keep in power a government that is not supported by the majority of his constituents. He will inevitably by turfed out (if he bothers to stand) by his constituents at the next election, but in the meantime he has been rewarded by the government (in a way that closely resembles a bribe) by promotion to an office that brings with it a very substantial increase in his pension. How do you suggest that we remove the incentive for MPs to betray the people who elected them?


Incidentally.... it is from the English history that we share, that I recall hearing of the city that - as it sents its representatives off to parliament - bade them look back at the axe that hung over the city gate. The axe that was their reward if they did not keep their promise to their electorate. We may no longer behead people, but the principle is sound.

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