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What would a THL goverment manfesto have in it

Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

We all bang on about the right and wrongs of goverment polices on THL with some strong feelings on certain subjects.


With some cracking thought provking views along with not so thought provoking views.


What would you want to see if we as a membership run for goverment.


This is for fun.


And also a little sense would not go amiss


ATB Cookie

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1=hunting ban lifted

2=all illegal immigrants returned to where they come from

3=all people on the dole to do community work ,i have to work to keep them so they can give something back

4=bring back death penalty for murderers and kiddy fiddlers and rapists.

5=get country out of european union and sack all that human rights shit


could go on all day but have to go to work soon lol

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Agreed with Point one=Lift the hunting ban

2=Close our borders not letting any more immigrants in(and start removing ones who are here)

3=With folk on dole like has been said get them working in community(or work placement schemes)

4=All murderers and pedo's and rapists to be put on old cargo vessel sent into atlantic and used for target practice for our Navy(when it is sank new habitat for our underwater creatures)

5=More say so for joe public...not all deciscions to be made by overpaid jumped up goverment officials who know fk all about what the brittish people want but still try to make cutbacks to our emergency services and expect it to run smoothly

6=Uninsured drivers to be banned from driving ever again and thier cars crushed(sick of preniums going up every year when you do fk all wrong)

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get jez kyle off the telly

make fat people eat less

heal the sick

ban the bomb

have one day a year where its legal to kill the person who`s pissed you off the most in the last 12 months :thumbs: world changer this one :laugh:

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Change tax threshold to 20 grand and have a flat rate...why punish people for doing well? If the country can't manage on that revenue then spend less. People with more disposable money will spend it and the government should get more back on VAT anyway. Those that want to save wont have half of it robbed by the tax man and their interest gets taxed anyway.

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Hunting ban lifted

Death penalty is a definate.

Replace Methadone with Strichnine.

Anyone not confident enough of even driving at the speed limit on the roads to be banned.

Petrol/Deisel costs to be slashed to a reasonable amount.

Oh and Men should be allowed to have multiple partners but Women should have to remain faithful at all times................. :whistling::D

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1=hunting ban lifted

2=all illegal immigrants returned to where they come from

3=all people on the dole to do community work ,i have to work to keep them so they can give something back

4=bring back death penalty for murderers and kiddy fiddlers and rapists.

5=get country out of european union and sack all that human rights shit


could go on all day but have to go to work soon lol


1 - Agreeable :yes:

2 - Would we then have to repatriate Brits that have emigrated and set up new lives in other countries, ban people from working outside the UK as we wouldn't allow others to fill the Brit jobs :blink:

3 - Isn't this under way and failing miserably at the moment, how would you implement it so it worked :hmm:

4 - Agreeable :yes: but need a more reliable structure to the Judicial system in this country first :yes:

5 - 100% Agreeable, seems the only people who have any rights are the ones doing wrong at the moment :thumbs:


Top Avatar, seen them last October at the Empire, top night :boogy:

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1=hunting ban lifted

2=all illegal immigrants returned to where they come from

3=all people on the dole to do community work ,i have to work to keep them so they can give something back

4=bring back death penalty for murderers and kiddy fiddlers and rapists.

5=get country out of european union and sack all that human rights shit


could go on all day but have to go to work soon lol


1 - Agreeable :yes:

2 - Would we then have to repatriate Brits that have emigrated and set up new lives in other countries, ban people from working outside the UK as we wouldn't allow others to fill the Brit jobs :blink:

3 - Isn't this under way and failing miserably at the moment, how would you implement it so it worked :hmm:

4 - Agreeable :yes: but need a more reliable structure to the Judicial system in this country first :yes:

5 - 100% Agreeable, seems the only people who have any rights are the ones doing wrong at the moment :thumbs:


Top Avatar, seen them last October at the Empire, top night :boogy:

Point 2 Marvin..............The British people you mention i'm sure have emmigrated and fell into the rules and customes of wherever they have moved too. If they haven't or broken the law they should be shipped out. Dont know the laws of countries but i'd image that happens anyway....its only this country that is weak willed and f*****g useless!!... :thumbs:

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Use the Falklands as a penal colony.


Any criminal from outside the UK serves a sentence then gets immediately deported.


Hunting ban lifted.


Anti organisations banned.


Hunt saboteurs flogged in public.


Everyone has the absolute right to defend their home and property.


If you claim jobseekers, you work for it i.e. council work, rubbish collection etc.


Monarchy abolished (saving the country around £253 million a year).


Knighthoods abolished.


Religion banned.


All firearms legislation scrapped - if people f**k up they pay the price.


No one allowed to have a major stake in more than one newspaper/media outlet.


All media stories must be backed up with real journalism, not googling 'facts'.


All drug addicts tied to a bed like trainspotting, if they relapse they will be sent to the Falklands.


Animal cruelty laws will be clearly defined.


Every citizen has the right to free speech.


Any immigrant must speak/read/write English, and have a usable trade.

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If the collective 'minds' of THL, were running this country, it would be a horrible place, and i'd be on the first flight/boat/lift the hell out of here :thumbs:


An iq and common sense test, before you get the right to breathe our air might be nice. :laugh:

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If the collective 'minds' of THL, were running this country, it would be a horrible place, and i'd be on the first flight/boat/lift the hell out of here :thumbs:


An iq and common sense test, before you get the right to breathe our air might be nice. :laugh:


An iq and common sense test, before you get the right to Breed might be nice :victory:


Just an idea based on the THL Collective :yes: :yes:

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