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Yes, but use common sense and don't feed too much or you'll end up with very fat dogs! Fat is high energy (calorie) food and should only be fed in reasonable amounts according to the amount of work the dog is doing. I like to add about 1/5 hard lamb or beef fat to their meal when they're working hard.

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True. I never feed more than 1/5 of the total meal as fat, and then only when the dog is working very hard indeed. Mine do get a bit of fat from their chicken carcases and mince, but I don't feed any complete food at all so they're fine with a bit of extra fat: especially for the skinny type of dogs who run themselves a lot thinner after a couple of days or nights hard work.

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When you say too much fat, how much is too much? would you have to feed an absolute shed load to cause problems?


I feed mine raw chicken legs, mince and tripe most of the time but have started giving her half of one of those fatty rolls of lamb from the supermarket every day after having her out.

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