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p.c rathband comitied suicide

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the people that he gave hes life for let him down like many of our troupes :yes: hope hes found peace now RIP

Such a shame......What a society we livein where Vermin like Moat are pontified in "BANTER" and the true heroes ,Like Rathband are marginalised....TheBloke just went to work one day to support his fam

Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was

just copy and paisted this off the web............

Pc David Rathband, who was shot and blinded by gunman Raoul Moat, told police he was "OK" just days before being found dead at his home in a suspected suicide.

Concerns about his well-being were raised by Twitter users who contacted police following comments he made on the social networking site.

He was reported to have tweeted "RIP PC Rathband" and that he had "lost my sight, my job, my wife and my marriage" and would "say goodbye to my children".

But the father of two, who was due to return to work with the Northumbria force in April, assured officers he was all right and said he was looking forward to returning to work. He said the Tweets were posted by someone else..................

how could he write on twitter was he only partly blind or fully blind

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I listerned to an interview on radio 5 today he described in detail the attack i did not know the scum shot him twice , he seemed to be coping

with his blindness but sufferd bad facial pain , ducan bannietine and him had set up a trust for blue light workers police , firemen, ambulance etc and said he had spoken to him on the subject of suicide , he said he would never contimplate it as he would not give the scum who shot him the pleasure duncan then said if only he had helped more , we all have are police stories and petty hates but at the end of the day think this police officer deserves are respect this could have turned into another massicare , RIP PC RATHBAND

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Yeh I didn't know he was shot with both barrels. Glad that turd Moat is dead shame he got to go out in a way of his choosing.


I think the breakdown of his marriage was probably the last straw for him. Such a shame that through no fault of his own his life was totally destroyed.

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Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was this fella brave ? he was shot in an instant while sat in a car,and survived....its great that he survived but i dont see whats brave about it.......yes he suffered an extremely traumatic event and lost his sight,thats terrible.......then lost his mrs,thats terrible........but within 2 years has decided to quit on his own life and his childrens lives....i dont see anything brave about that at all.

Plenty of blind people guts it out every day,plenty of people with far more life limiting illnesses and diseases guts it out every day without deciding to top themself because they cant take it anymore,thats real bravery......i feel every sympathy for the fella its a terrible shame.....but lets keep it real,he has just commited the most selfish of acts and made things a hundred times worse for his kids and family....i dont see any bravery or heroics in that.

Edited by gnasher16
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I can only imagine the torment and anguish the man was suffering,may he be at peace now.Its heartening to see all the positive posts on here,its sometimes the case that one or two of us have had the need to fall foul of the law and then been less than complimentary about the boys in blue,certain people may read these posts and realise at a time like this we can put our grievances behind us and show support for a proud Officer and his family.

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  On 01/03/2012 at 19:37, gnasher16 said:

Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was this fella brave ? he was shot in an instant while sat in a car,and survived....its great that he survived but i dont see whats brave about it.......yes he suffered an extremely traumatic event and lost his sight,thats terrible.......then lost his mrs,thats terrible........but within 2 years has decided to quit on his own life and his childrens lives....i dont see anything brave about that at all.

Plenty of blind people guts it out every day,plenty of people with far more life limiting illnesses and diseases guts it out every day without deciding to top themself because they cant take it anymore,thats real bravery......i feel every sympathy for the fella its a terrible shame.....but lets keep it real,he has just commited the most selfish of acts and made things a hundred times worse for his kids and family....i dont see any bravery or heroics in that.

he went on a shout they knew moat was armed think he had bottle turning out unarmed ,
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  On 01/03/2012 at 19:48, gonetoearth said:
  On 01/03/2012 at 19:37, gnasher16 said:

Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was this fella brave ? he was shot in an instant while sat in a car,and survived....its great that he survived but i dont see whats brave about it.......yes he suffered an extremely traumatic event and lost his sight,thats terrible.......then lost his mrs,thats terrible........but within 2 years has decided to quit on his own life and his childrens lives....i dont see anything brave about that at all.

Plenty of blind people guts it out every day,plenty of people with far more life limiting illnesses and diseases guts it out every day without deciding to top themself because they cant take it anymore,thats real bravery......i feel every sympathy for the fella its a terrible shame.....but lets keep it real,he has just commited the most selfish of acts and made things a hundred times worse for his kids and family....i dont see any bravery or heroics in that.

he went on a shout they knew moat was armed think he had bottle turning out unarmed ,

Don't think they were on a shout..........Moat came by where they were sat in car and just blasted him. :thumbs:

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  On 01/03/2012 at 19:48, gonetoearth said:
  On 01/03/2012 at 19:37, gnasher16 said:

Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was this fella brave ? he was shot in an instant while sat in a car,and survived....its great that he survived but i dont see whats brave about it.......yes he suffered an extremely traumatic event and lost his sight,thats terrible.......then lost his mrs,thats terrible........but within 2 years has decided to quit on his own life and his childrens lives....i dont see anything brave about that at all.

Plenty of blind people guts it out every day,plenty of people with far more life limiting illnesses and diseases guts it out every day without deciding to top themself because they cant take it anymore,thats real bravery......i feel every sympathy for the fella its a terrible shame.....but lets keep it real,he has just commited the most selfish of acts and made things a hundred times worse for his kids and family....i dont see any bravery or heroics in that.

he went on a shout they knew moat was armed think he had bottle turning out unarmed ,


Also we've got no idea how much pain he was in. I cut my fingers badly on glass and they still hurt like hell, I've also had an operation on my shoulder which gives me sharp stabbing pains when ever it feels like it. Compaired to that I imagine being shot in the face with both barrels of a 12 bore, losing your eyes and spending two years having operation after operation.


Just because he was smiling in some of the photos, to show he was on the mend or for his blue lantern charity, doesn't mean the poor bugger wasn't in serious pain both mentally and physically.


He couldn't take it any more and that is really sad.

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  On 01/03/2012 at 19:50, johnny boy68 said:
  On 01/03/2012 at 19:48, gonetoearth said:
  On 01/03/2012 at 19:37, gnasher16 said:

Certainly a sad ending and you have to feel sorry for the fella......but i dont see why when someone dies folk come out with all these catchy phrases about how brave or heroic a person was.....why was this fella brave ? he was shot in an instant while sat in a car,and survived....its great that he survived but i dont see whats brave about it.......yes he suffered an extremely traumatic event and lost his sight,thats terrible.......then lost his mrs,thats terrible........but within 2 years has decided to quit on his own life and his childrens lives....i dont see anything brave about that at all.

Plenty of blind people guts it out every day,plenty of people with far more life limiting illnesses and diseases guts it out every day without deciding to top themself because they cant take it anymore,thats real bravery......i feel every sympathy for the fella its a terrible shame.....but lets keep it real,he has just commited the most selfish of acts and made things a hundred times worse for his kids and family....i dont see any bravery or heroics in that.

he went on a shout they knew moat was armed think he had bottle turning out unarmed ,

Don't think they were on a shout..........Moat came by where they were sat in car and just blasted him. :thumbs:


From what i remember reading he was sat at the side of the road,turned round to see who was at the side of the motor and went " oh shit theres R..........BANG ! ".......hardly an unarmed man bravely going full steam ahead to confront the baddie.................

Not to demean the horror of what the man went through of course................i just think at times like these its easy to get carried away with words.........ive known some out and out shitbags who were lovely fellas who loved their mum once they had died !

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Spot on gnash, has sad as it is the fella dying and his life must've been shite, but a "Hero" he wasn't.


Because of the situation he recieved the injuries in, the man was always going to be in the media attention and being reminded of it constantly may've been the deciding factor in him taking his life.


A true Hero would battle on heroically.

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