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After some advice

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I'm after some advice and I hoping someone with a working terrier can give me some help and advice.

We already had a staffie who we had from a pup, she was 2 and last May we decided it would be a good idea to add a second. I wanted to go down the rescue route and found a handsome patterdale boy at a rescue in Wales. We met him, he was supposed to be dog friendly people friendly but needed a few manners, him and our staffie got on well and he came home.

From there it went down hill, he has been extremely hard work and happiest when he has a job to do. As we are finally starting to make progress with his training I would love to look at working him but I have no idea where to even begin, he has an amazing chase instinct but I'm not sure on an actual prey drive, I don't know where to start or even if what I would like to achieve but I just want to be able to give him something to think about as been a 'pet' really does not seem to satisfy him. Don't get me wrong he loves his home comforts but he is happiest when plunging through mud and brambles and long grass.

Any advice is really appriciated.

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Ok I apologise for my ignorance but how do you go about taking them ratting? Do i just find somewhere with rats and let him go? I know these are really stupid questions and I do apologise, I want to do the best by my boy I know he's love it I jsut have not got the faintest idea where to start.

Another stupid question, I assume the terrier kills the rat....what do you do with them when they are dead? I mean rabbit etc you eat but what do you do with a dead rat?

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Ok I apologise for my ignorance but how do you go about taking them ratting? Do i just find somewhere with rats and let him go? I know these are really stupid questions and I do apologise, I want to do the best by my boy I know he's love it I jsut have not got the faintest idea where to start.

Another stupid question, I assume the terrier kills the rat....what do you do with them when they are dead? I mean rabbit etc you eat but what do you do with a dead rat?

Start by not calling him my boy he is a dog,not a human being.people can eat rats we(the Irish ate them at the siege of Derry.
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Legally you will have to get permission from the landowner to kill rats so you need to aproach them and ask. Ideally someone could show you the ropes, maybe someone on here can help. You can learn a lot just by reading old threads on here. As for dead rats there best off burnt, farms etc usually have some sort of fire going or somewhere you can dispose of em. After you have taken photos of em with your dogs and posted the pic on here of course lol. Hope this helps.

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I am aware he is a dog, I can assure I am not someone who likes dogs as subsitute children, hence trying to get him into doing what he was bred to do. However I can't see how referring to him as my boy has much to do with anything.

I wasn't aware humans can eat rats, can the dogs eat them?

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Legally you will have to get permission from the landowner to kill rats so you need to aproach them and ask. Ideally someone could show you the ropes, maybe someone on here can help. You can learn a lot just by reading old threads on here. As for dead rats there best off burnt, farms etc usually have some sort of fire going or somewhere you can dispose of em. After you have taken photos of em with your dogs and posted the pic on here of course lol. Hope this helps.


Well seen as you mention it and I can't help but notice you are based in west yorkshire fancy helping a total novice?


I also noticed a lot of people have bull x's, is it possible to work a bull breed ie a staffie?

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staffs love eatin rats bring him along and he will clean up for you lol, just watch he dont get sick in the car goin home.


I wish, chance of my staff been able to eat a rat is minimal....dodgy stomach poor breeding!!! Otherwise I'm sure she'd love it.

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Legally you will have to get permission from the landowner to kill rats so you need to aproach them and ask. Ideally someone could show you the ropes, maybe someone on here can help. You can learn a lot just by reading old threads on here. As for dead rats there best off burnt, farms etc usually have some sort of fire going or somewhere you can dispose of em. After you have taken photos of em with your dogs and posted the pic on here of course lol. Hope this helps.


Well seen as you mention it and I can't help but notice you are based in west yorkshire fancy helping a total novice?


I also noticed a lot of people have bull x's, is it possible to work a bull breed ie a staffie?

I dont have ratting permission myself bud, i dont work terriers atm. Where abouts are you?

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Legally you will have to get permission from the landowner to kill rats so you need to aproach them and ask. Ideally someone could show you the ropes, maybe someone on here can help. You can learn a lot just by reading old threads on here. As for dead rats there best off burnt, farms etc usually have some sort of fire going or somewhere you can dispose of em. After you have taken photos of em with your dogs and posted the pic on here of course lol. Hope this helps.


Well seen as you mention it and I can't help but notice you are based in west yorkshire fancy helping a total novice?


I also noticed a lot of people have bull x's, is it possible to work a bull breed ie a staffie?

I dont have ratting permission myself bud, i dont work terriers atm. Where abouts are you?


Near Leeds.

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