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Ferreting dogs, respecting nets

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i expect my dogs to guard over a netted bunny until it either slips the net or i tell it to hold it, nowt worse than a dog runnin away way a netted bunny :censored: above all else it makes you look as tho you no control over the situation :censored: :censored:

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Horses for courses you accept what YOU want of your dog.......Me... I expect my net-dog to hold a pursed rabbit in a net till i can get to it ,the same as he will secure a rabbit in a long net, but i am involved in full time rabbit control so that may make a difference. My dog is very soft mouthed so never kills a rabbit in a net..........I find it a bonus that he understands the way a rabbiting team should operate.........as a team....!

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  On 28/02/2012 at 21:03, Rolfe said:

Horses for courses you accept what YOU want of your dog.......Me... I expect my net-dog to hold a pursed rabbit in a net till i can get to it ,the same as he will secure a rabbit in a long net, but i am involved in full time rabbit control so that may make a difference. My dog is very soft mouthed so never kills a rabbit in a net..........I find it a bonus that he understands the way a rabbiting team should operate.........as a team....!


so do you exoect ye dog to grab each an every bunny that hits a purse net rolfe? i tend to tell mine to hold 1 if its pinging about at other end of a big bury or side of a hedge, or if im busy un netting another bunny

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i expect mine to hold one till i get there, but drop it and look up IMMEDIATELY i say, so it doesnt miss any that might bolt elsewhere. i find that the main problem ive had over the years is teaching a pup to retrieve the rabbits it catches but not the ones in nets!! can take a while to sort this out

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We like them to hold them in the nets, a lot of the land we do is rough and nets very rarely purse anyway, so i dont see the point of waiting for the rabbit to kick out, when it would be quicked for the dog to just grab it. Obviously the dog doesnt run off with it, it just holds it until you get there. My lad, will usually use his feet if the rabbit isnt bouncing about like mad.


Interestingly a friend of mine doesnt peg any of his nets, preffering to let the dogs grab every one.I


I'm also of the opinion that it gives the dogs something to do, rather than stand about all day waiting for the odd chance a of one skipping a net.

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I'm old fashioned when it comes to ferreting, I dont expect my dog to touch a rabbit in the net she's there to mark the warren and chase any that get out of the net or a hole I might have missed. It does my head in when a dog grabs at a netted rabbit, but everyone's different :thumbs:

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