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Land in West Sussex

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Hi Guys,

I am a mature (61!), experienced and safe shot who has moved into the Littlehampton area after formerly living in Billingshurst. I have dairy farms and a beef/arable farm that I shoot rabbits/rats over, in Loxwood and Slinfold, using a moderated .22rf for preference but I also have an FAC air rifle, 12ft.lbs. air rifle, 12bore & .410 for when the task requires them. I am a long-term member of the BASC (therefore well insured), I can provide references from current shoots, and I like to shoot in the evening around once a week when I can during spring/summer/autumn.


My existing shoots are a bit of a drive away now (especially with the current price of diesel!) and over the years the rabbit population has reduced considerably and sport is thinner on the ground - the farmers are pleased about it though! I wondered if you could help with anything in the Littlehampton- Arundel-Worthing areas?

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Yes, I fully understand the bit about letting the little bleeeders breed to maintain the shooting but "my" farmers just want the numbers cut down, a reduction in holes for the stock to break their legs in, and huge arcs of eaten crops around burrows. When I started on one farm it was 26 rabbits in under 3 hours just sitting-up in one spot 60yards from burrows in a hedgerow. Now I need to walk the whole farm all evening and get maybe 3 or 4 bunnies out of it (it's still fun though!).

I still see the occasional "mixie" rabbit and there is some VHD about too from what my shooting friends tell me. Still, they say rabbit populations go through natural cycles of peaks and troughs so perhaps good times are just around the corner!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Steve, send me your mobile no via pm.


I am from Horsham and have a bit of land, but have been offered some land in chi, I thought I may have the occasional day as I have a boat in littlehampton and stay down.


Be good to have a chat.


Would the owners let me have the land around b/hurst if I got you into chi.



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Hi steve

im in littlehampton aswell there nto much land to shot on unless you go out arundel way then alot of farmers there arent to keen on you shooting on there farms due to lots of foot paths going through them but its good land for ferreting :)




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