davyt63 1,845 Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 Yes Pesca, Funny you wrote this buddy as Ive just tested it with 2 IR lamps, one home made by me and one from Nite - Hunter and they both work very well indeed. Alot of peope will be very pleasantly suprised. Am also meeting Snyper Cat tomorrow (Emma off YouTube) who as managed to borrow a NS200 and we are doing a side by side test on one of my fields at different ranges for picture quality, brightness and clarity. All will be in the finished review. Si. would that be a wok or dustbin lid by any chance But I thought the hole point of this is so you used it like a normal add-on not like the NS200 were you look at a screen when all this started it was meant to have a eye piece so you could see through like a envis or PVS14 this is no better really than the NS systems and will cost about the same by the time you by the IR as well It is much more compact and the screen omits very low light back at the users face, massive advantage to other unites on the market!!! It is very good from the time I spent with it on Tuesday night... not sure what the second comment is in reference to buddy. However I haven't used the NS night sight so only what is on You Tube which is how I make the comparison... ATB GARETH I was one of the 1st to use a 140 light force with a IR filter and I was slated by Anthoni when I tested his 300 laser and It worked out the light force was a better an had a more clear beam and that's why it all kicked off on the NV forum He called it every thing dustbin lid fryingpan wok and now they are saying it works a treat I just seen the video on you tube The Nite - Hunter Digi Add On Sneak Peek with Si Pittaway It looks good but wish he had the gun to shot that fox as that must have been a world record fox with the size of it if that's 200y very quiet over on the NV forum :hmm: i wonder why??? Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 haha ghillie my messages usually need an enigma machine near them.... lol GAZ Quote Link to post
ghillies 209 Posted March 1, 2012 Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 (edited) neh its them others Gaz lol Edited March 1, 2012 by ghillies Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted March 1, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 1, 2012 (edited) It looks good but wish he had the gun to shot that fox as that must have been a world record fox with the size of it if that's 200y Hi Verminator66, What ever your problem is with Nite - Hunter buddy please don't get me involved, Im not having anything to do with fall outs etc. In regards to the fox mate. My scope was set on x 10 magnification. The Add on also as its own zoom lens and was zoomed in to x 10. So the fox was actually a normal fox at 200 yards like i said on my permission . I have no reason to big it up to get egg on my face later on . I'm not actually interested in how far the unit sees foxes as I'm only interested in air rifle hunting buddy so I'm looking at this unit in regards to 55 metres (around 60 yards- ish) max and its picture quality. The fox was spotted when I was scanning the fields for rabbits so i got down on the bipod and filmed it. I will tell it as it is though (honestly) and I'm not going to lie. Like i said buddy Im not getting involved with any past conflict, comments, arguments or politics, Im just doing a fair review and getting others involved too to verify my findings in regards the add on unit. I was testing the unit tonight with a trusted member off YouTube (Snyper Cat) and we both proved that the Nite - Hunter add on is not only more clearer than another unit on the market, it was also brighter with a better picture when zoomed in to x10 mag. Im not slating the other unit though (far from it) as it was very impressive and far better than i had expected. The other unit shocked me and if it wasnt for the Nite - Hunter add on i would defo buy one for myself. At 57 metres (61 yards - ish) it was really nice with a very good usable picture for air rifle hunting.. All this info was documented by captured video on both tested units. Si. Edited March 2, 2012 by zini Quote Link to post
PESCA 7 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 "very quiet over on the NV forum :hmm: i wonder why???" You're correct, Davy, in regard to Antoni's contraption, it pretty much is. I think that's because people are deflated after all of the hype, and claims about how it was going to blow the night vision world apart. Has it really done that? Bottom line, he's brought out a cheap version of the Nitesite, after promising so much. It's a Nitesite with the monitor brought forward and a viewing tube stuck in front of it. I'm also very surprised that the unit carries a varifocal lens. This is just more to faff on with and is a failure of the designer to find the correct fixed focal length lens. It's got a recording feature (low quality) which the Nitesite hasn't and it's got an appealing price tag. What it doesn't have is the quality of the Nitesite, plus the Nitesite comes with illuminator included (so add either side of £100 to the cost, dependant on your choice of ir). Antoni claimed that he would address the fact that you looked above your scope with the Nitesite, as opposed to your normal head position, and he's done exactly the same. Feel free to check out the comments on nightvisionforumuk and also airgun bbs, by all means. The lack of comments since the original photographs were released, surely reflect the fact that a lot of people feel that this is nothing new, and certainly not what was promised. Old hat, I'm afraid. Just to put this into perspective, I own an NS200. I think it's pretty much okay. It does have it's faults, but is very user friendly. PESCA Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 I do believe there is a saying about 'horses for courses' and 'one mans rubbish is another mans gold' basically what you prefer is what you prefer and is usually what you will buy, I can vouch that trough out the short time with Si he was not bias or even derogatory about the other unites, and found him very neutral when he was talking to me. Just as I am, speak as the evidence allows you to and the evidance supports the night hunter add on from what I saw, not saying its for every one just a well made add on. Regards Gareth Quote Link to post
villaman 9,982 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Hi I don't think i will be selling my pulsar n550 for one of these Quote Link to post
PESCA 7 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 (edited) I do believe there is a saying about 'horses for courses' and 'one mans rubbish is another mans gold' basically what you prefer is what you prefer and is usually what you will buy, I can vouch that trough out the short time with Si he was not bias or even derogatory about the other unites, and found him very neutral when he was talking to me. Just as I am, speak as the evidence allows you to and the evidance supports the night hunter add on from what I saw, not saying its for every one just a well made add on. Regards Gareth You're right there, Gareth. Each to his own. My point, in reply to Davy's comment, was that Antoni has brought out a unit which is not really any different to (in fact, it's remarkably similar to) anything that's already on the market, after he and his 'team' went to great lengths to say that their unit was going to rock the night vision scene. Pretty much any of the experimental units out there (being built by lads on their kitchen tables) can achieve in no time at all, a unit that you look above the line of your scope. The challenge has always been to come up with a unit that requires you to look along the same line as your scope, without having to have your head position so far back that it becomes uncomfortable. We were promised so much and have been given so little. George Edited March 2, 2012 by PESCA Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted March 2, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 (edited) Like Gaz as said lads, it’s basically your own preference really. I’ve been thinking long and hard about the comments that lads have made so far to the various posts I’ve created about the add on and I believe in all honesty its not a case of proving that the Nite - Hunter add on is better that another unit on the market and targeting another brand to try and discredit it (far from that), its more about seeing if the add on can compare to another quality unit already on sale. The other unit we tested last night with a independent witness was very good (NS200) and I really did like it if honest for what we on here in this section needs (60 yards) good viewing picture and illumination and another fair amount of lights distance for viewing rabbits at distance before walking into range to take the shot. Would I buy a NS200 after seeing it in action? Hell yes without a doubt. I’m not sure what the NS50 is like but the NS200 was very good for MY NEEDS on rabbits and rats etc. Things that we did notice straight away once doing a side by side comparison test (all captured on 2 units and cameras) is the following. Illumination - NS200 very good on x5 mag on Emma's scope. At 61 yards it really did surprise me and the Led’s work very good without the laser lines that we see from laser illuminators. The Nite - Site add on though on x10 on my scope and zoomed in on the add on too was much brighter but still kept a very clear and what I would say crisper picture showing a clear pattern on a brick wall with great detail at 61 yards. We then tried the IR400 SB with the Nite Site (me illuminating from my rifle and Emma using the NS200 with its IR set on full). She showed the NS200 first on its own, which was very good and then I turned on the IR400 SB illuminator. The difference was massive and a very bright picture was recorded (grainy though as Emma didn’t zoom in on here scope to meet my laser. If she would have done though I’m sure the NS200 picture would have been much improved to the standard. Picture - Both are very nice and clear actually through the unit when using your own eye and not recording on standard quality recorders, but the zoom on the Nite - Hunter add on does it for me enabling the IR400 SB to be set perfectly to the add on getting a lovely close and clear picture showing great detail close up. I think this function will suit a lot that like to shoot reticule true as I do and so need a good mag to be precise on the cross hair and target. Build quality - Well this is unfair to compare as I am only reviewing a proto type model from Nite - Hunter (which I know is already getting slight changes to it as we speak to improve it more). The unit I have is very rough in build and not fully finished. In engineering terms lads would say its very rough (its supposed to be) Anthoni don’t want to spend £1000s to get a unit market done and ready for a customer to only have changes done to it later on and have to shell out more money if you see where I’m coming from? The idea is to show the picture and what the add on is capable of doing for air gun lads. We are not looking at the body of it and how good it’s put together. I think someone will do that review once the model goes fully for sale. If I was to compare at this moment the NS200 is 99 times better built as its a for sale model Emma used and not a proto type like the add on. Recording wise and illuminators - Well It’s equal really as the add on as a recorder but not a dedicated ir and the NS200 as a dedicated ir but no recorder. I think for a good IR for the add on or recorder for the NS200 would be nearly the same at between £100 - 130 - ish model depending. Price wise - Add £130 to the Nite - Hunter add on for an IR400 SB (6V advised IMPO) with postage = £440. Add £100 to the NS200 for a good HD (Dog cam recorder) and your looking at £699, making a £259 difference. Face glow - Nite - Hunter add on = A tiny little bit (hardly any really) and it can be adjusted even less if you have a dimmer on the illuminator. NS200 = much more but that may not bother you at all (it didn’t really bother me when I used it last night and I really liked the NS200). I would advise on some sort of coloured or dimmer paper over the screen if it is too light for your own needs. Well that’s it as I see it lads (honest and accurate). I know that this unit I’m testing is only designed for air rifles and rim fires at the most (Anthoni stated that to me) and Anthoni is bringing out a more expensive add on for bigger calibre rifles later in the year. We won’t be testing that unit and I guess someone who shoots foxes will review it for Nite - Hunter when it comes out. Finally – Is money or brand name a factor in people’s preference? I’m not sure lads, that’s your call. All I know from what I’ve witnessed now is both are very good units and both do their intended jobs very well. I would happily own both if I could for air rifle hunting. So in conclusion from what I’ve seen of the PROTO TYPE add on so far, it really is a good unit for air rifle hunting. Si. Edited March 2, 2012 by zini Quote Link to post
snypercat 20 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 (edited) What I will say it this is better than just a mock-up, you are getting to see something real not a dummy and it is a Prototype remember! The laser is VERY good. Leave judgement until its finished as you are only guessing really. It is a different feel to the Nitesite, some will prefer this, some will stick with the Nitesite. There is a price difference and this one comes with a recorder built in so stop for now guys and when its ready and out there you will be able to decide for your self Edited March 2, 2012 by snypercat Quote Link to post
verminator 66 2 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Hi I don't think i will be selling my pulsar n550 for one of these I'm bloody gutted as I did I just hope that some were some one is working on a proper Add-on in digi Hmmmmmmm Quote Link to post
verminator 66 2 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 Hi Si. Like you say the rabbits look good were I find it hard is I only shoot on 6-8xmag at most that's even out to those distances I had a fox the other night and it was about 100 yards by the size of it an it only a 3/4 of that size its on film but like all the crap that's been started wont put any up any more as you just get slated and ooooooooooooo that's crap I just hope some one has the right brain wave and go down the proper add-on rout and make one with a eye piece all that mag on that I think would do my head right in Quote Link to post
verminator 66 2 Posted March 2, 2012 Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 What I will say it this is better than just a mock-up, you are getting to see something real not a dummy and it is a Prototype remember! The laser is VERY good. Leave judgement until its finished as you are only guessing really. It is a different feel to the Nitesite, some will prefer this, some will stick with the Nitesite. There is a price difference and this one comes with a recorder built in so stop for now guys and when its ready and out there you will be able to decide for your self ok you are saying this but by the time you pay £145 for a extra IR your back to the NS50 price if not more Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted March 2, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 (edited) All fair points by all and everyone as a taste and idea of what they would prefer, that's human nature I suppose. Maybe one day Anthoni or someone else with the same skill and knowledge will bring a unit out that you look directly through your own scope, has an inbuilt HD recorder and a illuminator as good as it can be that throws a good powerful light out at a good distance that comes all part of the unit. I do think that the lads from Nite Site and Nite - Hunter are doing a great job though especially for us air rifle hunting lads in bringing out these add ons and making them as cheap a they can for us. I know from chatting to Anthoni a lot of his own money is thrown into these prototypes just to get them at a working and usable stage so for me i think they are doing a good job. Yes its their lively hood and job but still all credit to them all . As I witnessed last night the Nite Site 200 and the Nite - Hunter prototype add on are very good units for what they were intended to be used for. We in this section don't need 300 yards of brilliant light as we don't shoot that range. 150 to 200 yards spotting distance (eye shine at the least) and 60 yards of brilliant light for shooting is what we need. Both units do this very easily as i have witnessed. For me Anthoni is a pretty new friend and for him to let us at VerminHuntersTV test his prototype is a honour, and i wish him and the lads at Nite - Hunter and Nite Site the NS200 lads all the best with their units in the future. Si. Edited March 2, 2012 by zini Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted March 2, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2012 On a personal note. A big thank you to Emma (Snypercat) for coming to mine and bringing the NS200 for me to test and look at. Also thanks for giving me that free image intensifier unit you customised (very nice spotting tool for rats and rabbits it is) and Ill defo put it to some good use in the near distant future. Si. Quote Link to post
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