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Hello my name is nathan. im currently in the process of applying for my shotgun certificate how much is it for the first 6 years. and what is a really good shotgun 12 bore for reasonable money. i have used shotguns before but looking to now go my own way. thank you very much and everything is appriciated :)

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How much is what?


And regards guns, no one can really say what will be a good gun for you, they can only really give their opinions on guns they've owned.


But for that, they'd need to know what kind of gun your after (ou/sbs/pump/semi/single etc.) and also what scenario you'd be using it (clay/rough etc.)





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It'll cost you £50 to apply for your SGC, or £60 if you go for a coterminous (SGC&FAC combined). This will last for 5 years and will then cost you £40 for SGC renewal or £50 for coterm renewal.


Regarding what gun is good and how much, that is almost impossible to answer as it depends on what budget, what your after (over/under, side by side), what you want it for (Clay, rough shooting etc). Also how the gun fits you can make a lot of difference. Go and have a look around the gun shops, a few within a short drive of Plymouth, and have a chat with the people.



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You cannot shoot deer with a Shotgun unless its humane dispatch. "Slugs" or sold shot cartridges are Section 1 so you cannot be in possession of them for any purpose. Can I respectfully suggest you have a good read of the BASC website and familiarise yourself with all the rules and quarry species, seasons etc associated with the sport you are about to partake.


You submit 2 photos, 1 signed by your referee.

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I think the first thing to do is to have a good read of this forum. The "which shotgun should i buy" question is asked nearly every day on here, so there are hundreds of threads with people giving excellent advice on the subject. That way, you can find out what guns people like, what they recommend etc. without people having to retype or copy/paste the same advice each time!


Good luck!

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