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Sorry to be a pest lads but i started a thread on the lurcher forum about small type fox killing lurchers & some how it went onto Foxhounds so i'm just wandering i no they've got great stamina, speed, nose & agility but what are foxhounds like for speed & could 1 foxhound catch a fox alone no stupid comments please just a genuine question :thumbs:


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pre ban fox hounds out run a fox using there stamina and not speed. if one hound catches its dead simple, no suffering. they do catch out in fields it all depends on terrain. alot are caught in cover especially at the start of the season . if a fox has ran the hounds well and goes to ground , quite often it was left as it was a very healthy fox. what happens alot is when the leading hounds are up on reynard she will usually loop round and sometimes runs into the trailing hounds

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