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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help? I have recently purchased a HW95 for my eldest son to find that it's shooting higher than I can adjust the scope, I tried another scope to find it was doing the same thing, could anyone advise what could be causing it.


I have managed to zero it by putting a .3mm shim under the front clamp closest to the barrel, but I need to know whats causing it, so I can get it put right.


Any feedback would be very much appreciated.



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Is the rifle brand new?.....as the 95 is break barrel i would have it looked at if it's second hand....Also as it's a springer you need to hold it diff from pcp's...you need to hold it gently mate but also give it room to breathe...try shooting from prone position mate...place a pillow or something else soft under your arm that is supporting the weight of the rifle and it might also be an idea to change to diff pellets....some rifle's of same type will like JSB's but another rifle of same type may not....In all honestly i cannot see how a 95 would be so wayward if it's brand new mate....unless there is an issue with the scope...hope you sort out issue mate and good luck with it....others here who have more experiance with the 95 will prob be able to tell you more



There may be a loose screw somewhere mate either on the cilinder or barrel make sure all are tight before zeroing



ATB Stevo

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Hi, the rifle is second hand, I have changed the piston seal, I checked all the dowels, srews and linkages, checked that the scope clamps are of the same hight and I have also tried a brand new scope, of which even at full adjustment of the scope the gun shoot high.


With the packing in the front clamp the gun is very accurate with a light hold, and lightly rested, so I can't understand whats going on.


Originally the gun had a horrible smell and was making a noise (even with the silencer on), this was due over lubricaing with too much of the wrong grease (last owner) and a split/perished piston seal.


I love this gun, but believe I've been stung (my fault), and my son is very disapointed.


Once again any feed back would be appreciated.








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Hi Darren.


Sorry to hear of your trouble with the 95 mate.


Have you checked the barrel is not bent, is there any splitting in the stock??


If I were you, I think I would invest another £70 and get it sent away to Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports.

He will have that rifle running super smooth and check it out for you.


From what you say it does not sound like the rifle was looked after very well?


Hope it works out for you and your Son.








Edited by Sweeney-Todd
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hi, i can't find any splits in the stock, and i can't see any mager bend in the barrel by eyeing it up but there must be a bend somewhere. How can i check this without breaking the bank. The rifle sounds and shoots lovely now, but it shoots up hill. Darren

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It's def an odd one then hw's are normally spot on. If there's no play in the barrel hinge pin must be a bent barrel if shimming the front mount has worked you could just use it as is if you don't want to spend anymore on it.

Forgot to add the barrel only has to be bent a fraction to make it out a lot further down range so you won't necessarily see it by eye try a straight edge down the barrel

Edited by Baghdadnights
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Don't be silly guys, I've put the barrel between revolving centres on a lathe and found a .2mm bend in the barrel, I identified the area and have managed to remove the bend with a lead hammer, the barrel is now running within .02mm throughout it's length. I will let you know later in the week how it zeros without the packing under the scope once I've re-assembled. Hopefully job done once I have sourced a pin for the barrel, it looks worn. Darren

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