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what shotgun safe to buy an how many bolts dose it need for the wall some one i know said 6 but seen some with 4 anyone help

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h all im applying for my sgc what shotgun safe to buy an how many bolts dose it need for the wall some one i know said 6 but seen some with 4 i can only put it on the wall anyone help




any safe that meets the current british standards will do, 6mm rawl bolts i only use 4 and an external wall is perferable
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check how many fixing holes there are in the cabinet, that's how many bolts you need doofus, and m10 minimum, to an external or solid wall where possible, unless you live in a tent or caravan, or a prefab, then you're in for some bother :laugh:

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h all im applying for my sgc what shotgun safe to buy an how many bolts dose it need for the wall some one i know said 6 but seen some with 4 i can only put it on the wall anyone help




any safe that meets the current british standards will do, 6mm rawl bolts i only use 4 and an external wall is perferable



thanks for the reply some one told me that the safe has got 4 bolts on the back it will have holes on the base an needs to be fasted to ground an wall so it will be ok to have one with 4 bolts to wall




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h all im applying for my sgc what shotgun safe to buy an how many bolts dose it need for the wall some one i know said 6 but seen some with 4 i can only put it on the wall anyone help




any safe that meets the current british standards will do, 6mm rawl bolts i only use 4 and an external wall is perferable



thanks for the reply some one told me that the safe has got 4 bolts on the back it will have holes on the base an needs to be fasted to ground an wall so it will be ok to have one with 4 bolts to wall




thats all mine as ever had and its been passed numerous times :thumbs:
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As many bolts as will make it secure really. I usually put between 4 and 6 on mine depending on what sort of wall its going on. External walls are usually best as they are pretty solid. Use the heavy duty expanding massonary rawl plugs. If you feel you need more, you can always drill a couple of extra holes in the back of your cabinet.


My current cabinet has about 6 bolting it to the wall, then I used a couple of big coach bolts to bolt it to the floor boards also. It isnt going anywhere in a hurry.


The FEO doesnt actually look inside the cabinet and count the bolts you have. If they do check the cabinet its usually just a little tug to see if its secure enough. They certainly dont start jumping about on it or getting a crow bar out.

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