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Hi all, I decided to give the clay shoot a miss today and have a mooch about one of my permissions with my Side by side and my dog Digger. He is working really well with the gun now and earning his ke

top man like to do a bit of that my self but with the catty my lurchers mark the tree's they are in then ya no the rest lol grate sport

good crack that, my dog loves them tree rats, more than the bunny's i reckon lol , he goes nuts when he sees them.!

My best mate as a patterdale an when he was about 5 month old a was mindin him durin the day so a wud take him fishin wi me, used to always take mi air rifle as well for the rats as well as the tree rats anyways if a shot a squizzer a wud let the dog rag it an now nearly 18 month on if theres one in a tree he wont walk past it he'll even try an climb it, he dont bother wi rabbitts hes mustard on rats an fantastic on foxes

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cant beat a mooch with the lurcher a pocket full off lead balls and a catty. round my part ther aint alot off rabbits about in the day so squirrels it is to keep my mutt keen and ferrets fed great sport. they do give a nasty bite though but the mutt dnt mind just makes her more crazy for them

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only thing is the dogs do take a hammering from been bitten after the first 5 or so but do seem to click on and finish the job faster after the first few. i suppose with a shotgun though ther aint much life left in them once ther on the deck so the dogs have less problems but none the less they keep at it bitten or not and love it great sport its good to see theres a good few folk who enjoy it too. keep it up ATB mick.............. get some pics up guys... :thumbs:

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Went out on the squirrels yesterday morn again had a decent hour before it started to piss down managed to bag 4 one of which fell out the tree into a puddle and looked a bit worse for wear. The dog retrieved well again aswell as getting bit again poor bugger. Any one would of thought there was a pack of Fox hounds in the woods the row he was making lol. I managed to get a few pics but they didn't come out as well as i had hoped.










Edited by tubba
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