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Early morning walk with a couple of dogs

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Well my mate arranged to meet for a general Sunday morning mooch with two of the lurchers, my colliex bitch and his saluki x dog


We had arranged a first light meeting so I was at the meet point for 06:30 he was running late so I had a wee look in a small field the bitch was running loose when something caught her eye,

The light is the flash of my camera, it was lighter than it looks.



3 in the corner, two dissapeared across the road and one seemed disorientated and run along the fence line, she done well to get on it in a small field and pressured it into making a mistake and it wasnt a bad start to the morning.


We all know I'm talking rabbit here don't we?


Anyway mate turned up at 06:45 abit worse for wear as he had been out the night before, according to him I was a show of b*****d, for starting without him,


Onwards and upwards, we continued on our way and saw another two, but I thin they could smell the alcohol on his breath as we never had a chance of getting a run at them,


Turned into a bit exercise for the dogs and I took a couple of other pictures but nowt exciting,





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love getting out them times ,dogs looking well


Aye mate so do I, ye would have thought it would be quiet at that time but there was plenty traffic about, must've been the bible thumpers away to mass!!

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