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Decent folk

Lee C

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Popped out with a couple of guys today that I have not been out with this season and what a good enjoyable day. it is so nice to go out with genuine decent people. These guys are not all gun ho and look at what my bird can do, they are interested in how my bird is doing and will offer tips, advice and experience. I look to them as my mentors and I have been in the game for 14 years now worked at centres and flown all sorts of birds big and small.but the simple guidance from these guys makes so much sense. I got my Harris from these guys and half the club I fly at have birds from them and I think everyone is of the same opinion that these guys are mint.

Just though I would put up a positive post instead of having a rant

Hope you all have a good end to the season, hope the moult goes well and a good start to the next.

Lee C

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