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well its been a while since i had my traps out working on reducing the greys ,the wood i am trapping in does have some reds thats why been using more cage traps than fenns or springers ,just wondered what other people s thoughts are trapping in areas where there is some reds? i have only seen one red is this wood last year not seen any since other people in the shoot have seen odd reds too anyway todays catch ,3 cage traps one fenn







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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Rob; If there's Red's in the area mate, I honestly don't know how ye could even consider using lethals :no:


Squirrels must be the easiest things on the earth to trap. Cages - and ye seem to have some nice ones there - are the biz on them. Why risk anything else?


What I'm saying is; Find one Red in one of ye Fenns, mate; How the hell ye going to live with yeself after that? It'd be so unnecassary and you'd be to blame.


Go one; F*ck the Fenn's off out of it. It's just not worth it ;)

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well i knew there would views on this everyone has one thats why i posed the question been back tonight before coming on here and reading the replys i will lift the fenns tomorrow after work and cage trap until i reduce the grey peril ,caught another 3 tonight 2 to the fenn one to the cage thanks for taking the time as i have said there is now 15 people in the syndicate with only two reds viewed both being a mile from these ,yes i know they can travel ,i just could not handle a an accidental catch so they will be removed , iwill have words with me master trap builder to knock up some more cages as i only have 4 now hope you reading this woodga :D mate


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  robsharpe said:
i will lift the fenns tomorrow after work and cage trap until i reduce the grey peril



Good man.


It is just not worth it.


Good work with those greys. I have two that come in to the garden and I can not catch them at all. Tried cage traps & fenns. All sorts of postitions, baits, tunnels, holes etc. They are just not interested.


May be a bit wise to it. Daughter loves them and calls them Cheeky & Squeeky,


Damn her!




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well i went back today to lift the fenns another grey was too greedy and paid the price ,i left the 4 cages set and collected two more cages from woodga top gear :yes: , i will put them down tomorrow after work ,i spotted this roe feeding on the way out ,its funny how close they feed to busy streets this was about 200 yds from a housing estate with kids and dogs shouting barking , :hmm: , you think they would feed further in the 800 acres for less disturbance ,deer not my quarry so dont know hey ho :D





til the next time :yes:

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just a little update 9 greys this week ,the thing is i am only trapping a 30yd square area next to one of the shoots pheasant feeders ,9 is a lot to be visiting this size area unless there is a vast amount of greys anyone know how far they will travel to feed ?? ,am paticularly happy catching these two both cages had been empty d of the maize twice without the trigger going off :no: ,so today was the unlucky day for them to try a steal it ,i had a nice surprise on the way out this nice buck wanted his picture taken si i obliged cheers rob :D





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Guest little_lloyd

Good trapping RS :clapper: Set some more fenns myself tonight for the greys. One question howdo you distpatch them when in the live catch? run em into sack or shoot wm in the cage?

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LL now cage trapping only ,i dispatch the sack method now they bite and scratch too much the other way i tried ,:yes: ,yes you can despatch them by shooting in cage ,but do it whichever way as humanely as possible cheers rob

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Guest little_lloyd

Personly i think this is out of order no matter how vermin like they are, someone in my village catches them in cage traps then drowns them :angry: Thats no way to go een if they are squiirels! Personly i stick to my fenns we have only grey buggers down here. Ive only ever found 2 squiirels that have been caught sticky.

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