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whats the deal regarding foot paths and fac wepons? one part of my permision is a 100acre feild with with a footpath running through it .am i going to be able to shoot this feild with a small calibre wepon



Edited by kanny
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This doesn't cause a problem for me as one of the permissions I shoot .22 .17 and 223 has a path straight through the middle from one end To the other, but I imagine it's down to your feo personal opinion,if I think right out of 3 pieces of local farm land I shoot over only one doesn't have a public right of way on it somewhere or another,with the land having a foot path doesn't mean it not safe with the use of common sense,and as long as it cleared ok,without knowing the lay out of the land Its a grey area for speculation mate

Atb 223


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Has the piece of land been passed by your FEO for FAC ? If it's been passed by the FEO then you shouldn't have any issues, just goes without saying that you need to be 100% certain it's safe before you release the shot, but I'm sure you would be doing that anyway :thumbs:


A couple of my permissions have footpaths/rights of way and one of them is cleared for full bore so depends on what the cops have agreed.




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Nothing in law that says it's illegal to shoot on, near or over a footpath. Whether it's cleared or not. To be safe stick up signs each end stating shooting is in progress, and always be aware where the footpath is and that it is clear before you squeeze the trigger.


The only rule regarding shooting near rights of way relates to "highways" which are defined as vehicular, mettled roads. In that case it is illegal to shoot within 50 feet of the centre line of the highway without lawful excuse, where by doing so you cause someone to be "injured, interrupted or endangered".

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  On 24/02/2012 at 21:19, matt_hooks said:

Nothing in law that says it's illegal to shoot on, near or over a footpath. Whether it's cleared or not. To be safe stick up signs each end stating shooting is in progress, and always be aware where the footpath is and that it is clear before you squeeze the trigger.


The only rule regarding shooting near rights of way relates to "highways" which are defined as vehicular, mettled roads. In that case it is illegal to shoot within 50 feet of the centre line of the highway without lawful excuse, where by doing so you cause someone to be "injured, interrupted or endangered".

thanks again bud thats very clear i was thinking of getting some signs done anyway and thats confimed it if my application is sucsessful, the foot path cuts straight across the feild and doesnt run up the back of any hedges wich is lucky as the hedgerows are going to be my main backstop.as ive mentioned before the land is very flat and featureless.. im just getting everything straight in my head before i go for it ....thanks everyone for your help and advise.




Edited by kanny
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  On 25/02/2012 at 00:11, kanny said:
the hedgerows are going to be my main backstop.




Don't say that to the FEO! A hedge is rarely a suitable backstop. Even a good old fashioned "Cornish" hedge (read earth bank) is not a good backstop, you need to be able to see what you are shooting into, you can't see through a hedge.

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  On 25/02/2012 at 21:27, matt_hooks said:
  On 25/02/2012 at 00:11, kanny said:
the hedgerows are going to be my main backstop.




Don't say that to the FEO! A hedge is rarely a suitable backstop. Even a good old fashioned "Cornish" hedge (read earth bank) is not a good backstop, you need to be able to see what you are shooting into, you can't see through a hedge.


cheers matt i wouldent dream of shooting square into the hedge the feild is huge and the rabbit dont come out that far so any stray shots would be going into the hedge long ways, i know its not perfect but what do you use on 300acre of billard table? what do i say to the FEO when the subject of back stops come up?



Edited by kanny
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  On 25/02/2012 at 22:51, matt_hooks said:

You have a few options. The main way to improve safety on very flat land is to elevate the shooting platform somehow. Off the back of a truck, high seat, even off sticks will help to give a decent backstop.


thanks matt ive already been looking at some of the portable high seats its a shame there wasnt a few trees about on my patch as the lean to type would be perfect but looks like i would have to go for a free standing type. would it be a condition on my fac that i could only shoot from the seat?





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If they try it I'd resist as much as possible. As long as you can show that you can decide what is, and what isn't a safe shot you should get the land approved. No land is inherently safe, or unsafe, for any calibre. It's up to the person behind the trigger to decide if a shot is safe or not.

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