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So if you dont believe in the boogeyman your pigheaded and ignorant ..........i dont buy any of it because common sense tells me its a load of ol bollocks that normally has a perfectly logical explan

Im really bad,best be safe than sorry. the supernatural and paranormal, weird stuff all of that facinates me. Theres more than just us, anyone who thinks otherwise wants to broaden their knowledge an

Just magpies, And new shoes on a table

Walking over graves and putting my left shin pad, sock and boot on before the right.


Went to France with school once and a church floor was covered in paved but marked up graves, made my arse squeak that i hate it.

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Does anyone have any strange superstition's that they stick to.. like not walking under ladder's or putting shoes on table's incase they get bad luck..im not superstitious personaly but i wont do stuff like walk under ladder's incase someone drop's something on me..and i wont put shoes on a table incase i have dog shite on them i also wont put a brolly up in the house incase i put someones eye out..

What are your thought's on these old wife's tale's..


What you've said shows why they aren't necessarily old wife's tales but common sense, call it an old fashioned health and safety policy.

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Just the magpies one, i'm not supersticius but if I see one I always 'think' one for sorrow and if there are more I count 'em... Daft really I suppose, it's just ingrained from my childhood.

i allways think of jenny hanley :laugh:
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I moan like hell if the missus or the kids put shoes on the table, also if any of them open a Umbrellla in the house...


Its the same with Magpies... It gives me the arse if I only see one.


I get enough bad luck without anything making it worse :laugh:.....

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The magpie one make's me think during the breeding season when one is on the nest and the other is out finding food..so you are only going to se one...another one i have heard mentioned is dont cross on the stair's..my theory on that one is stair's are not very wide anyway and you might trip each other up..

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The magpie one make's me think during the breeding season when one is on the nest and the other is out finding food..so you are only going to se one...another one i have heard mentioned is dont cross on the stair's..my theory on that one is stair's are not very wide anyway and you might trip each other up..

or in my case the mrs is likely to give me a right hook the mood she`s in :laugh:
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