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Does anyone have any strange superstition's that they stick to.. like not walking under ladder's or putting shoes on table's incase they get bad luck..im not superstitious personaly but i wont do stuff like walk under ladder's incase someone drop's something on me..and i wont put shoes on a table incase i have dog shite on them i also wont put a brolly up in the house incase i put someones eye out..

What are your thought's on these old wife's tale's..

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So if you dont believe in the boogeyman your pigheaded and ignorant ..........i dont buy any of it because common sense tells me its a load of ol bollocks that normally has a perfectly logical explan

Im really bad,best be safe than sorry. the supernatural and paranormal, weird stuff all of that facinates me. Theres more than just us, anyone who thinks otherwise wants to broaden their knowledge an

Just magpies, And new shoes on a table

Im really bad,best be safe than sorry.

the supernatural and paranormal, weird stuff all of that facinates me. Theres more than just us, anyone who thinks otherwise wants to broaden their knowledge and stop been Pig headed and ignorant.

How many times have people seen or heard strange things, even the most Sceptical of people cant put it ALL down to nonesense unless they are high or loopy.

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Im really bad,best be safe than sorry.

the supernatural and paranormal, weird stuff all of that facinates me. Theres more than just us, anyone who thinks otherwise wants to broaden their knowledge and stop been Pig headed and ignorant.

How many times have people seen or heard strange things, even the most Sceptical of people cant put it ALL down to nonesense unless they are high or loopy.

People want to believe. Im not high or loopy but dont believe in ghosts or any of that shit, sorry.

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Im really bad,best be safe than sorry.

the supernatural and paranormal, weird stuff all of that facinates me. Theres more than just us, anyone who thinks otherwise wants to broaden their knowledge and stop been Pig headed and ignorant.

How many times have people seen or heard strange things, even the most Sceptical of people cant put it ALL down to nonesense unless they are high or loopy.


So if you dont believe in the boogeyman your pigheaded and ignorant :blink: ..........i dont buy any of it because common sense tells me its a load of ol bollocks that normally has a perfectly logical explannation........spose i could say anyone who believes in all that nonsense is a dick........but i wont say that because im not pigheaded or ignorant ;)

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shoes on table under ladder wont walk on 3 drains .....................worse is owls .... stoaks and peacocks very bad for my folk ..ran a owl over once next day got remanded done 13 months :huh: might be nothink but i wont look at one never touch or hurt on again :laugh:

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shoes on table under ladder wont walk on 3 drains .....................worse is owls .... stoaks and peacocks very bad for my folk ..ran a owl over once next day got remanded done 13 months :huh: might be nothink but i wont look at one never touch or hurt on again :laugh:

I think you had better start breeding squirrel's and rat's to be on the safe side of superstition. :D

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I won't sleep with my boots above my head...


Fascinating in the paranormal but as far as I'm concerned it really is ''super''natural - we just don't scientifically understand a lot of things that happen in this world.


I know lads who are adamant that none of it exists, yet have seen very very strange things but still refuse to believe!

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When the bells start on auld years night open back door then go open front door, chases auld year out and welcome in the new year, and hopefully a better one :laugh:


and no shoes on table new or old :thumbs:

New ones on table bad luck, old shoes on table unhygienic! :)

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When the bells start on auld years night open back door then go open front door, chases auld year out and welcome in the new year, and hopefully a better one :laugh:


and no shoes on table new or old :thumbs:

New ones on table bad luck, old shoes on table unhygienic! :)



:D why duncan do you no clean your shoes or wipe them on the mat :tongue2: :tongue2:

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When the bells start on auld years night open back door then go open front door, chases auld year out and welcome in the new year, and hopefully a better one :laugh:


and no shoes on table new or old :thumbs:

New ones on table bad luck, old shoes on table unhygienic! :)



:D why duncan do you no clean your shoes or wipe them on the mat :tongue2: :tongue2:

I wipe my shoes alright, but I still wouldnt eat my dinner off them! ;)

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