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My 10month old Patt has been in the vets now for coming up to two weeks. :(


Prior to going in she hadn't eaten for a couple of days, and what she had she would vomit back up, she was also very miserable. So off she went to the vets on Tuesday 17th April.

Following a scan at the vets, I was told she had swallowed a linear foreign body (part of a sock) and it had to be removed, so it was, that same afternoon. But there was a complication because it had wrapped around her bowel. So three cuts had to be made into her intestine to remove the sock. Then she would be good as new.


Following day we went to go and pick her up to be told she wouldn't be coming home because she wasn't well. They operated agin on her to discover two of the three cuts had leaked her own waste inside. This time a different vet operated removing the original parts of the intestine which were leaking and making two new stitched incisions. But then Peritonitis set in!!!!!!! :censored:


This is a serious infection of the bowel, caused be a leak, and can be deadly.

So she got put on a drip of five different types of antibiotics and pain relief in the hope it would fight the infection.

During the following week she was up and down constantly, but in all no different. She had had two separate drains fitted following two more anaesthetics to drain off the infection and flush with antibiotics.

On Thursday 26th they decided to take a sample and culture the infection and then treat with the 5 different types of antibiotics she was on. The following day they discovered none of them had had any effect, and the only reason she was still alive was because she had been fighting it on her own!!!!! I was not happy to say the least!! :censored::censored:


On Friday 27th they suggested she get transferred to a hospital who specialise (bit late now). I picked her up from Kendal along with a bill of £2500 to take her to the University animal hospital in Liverpool.

There she got operated on straight away, by now her 4th anaesthetic in just over a week!!!! The vet said her concern wasn't the antibiotics to treat the Peritonitis it was to remove the cause of the infection. The op revealed another one of the three incisions had leaked, hence the reason she wasn't able to fight it off herself!!!!!!!

Thankfully she came around from the anaesthetic, and is now hopefully on the road to recovery but the next few days are critical.


Sorry for the long story but I am absolutely fuming with our original vet!!!!!!!!!!

She has had a drip in her for over a week, and there might aswell have been water in it!!!!!!!!!!


She is insured upto £4000, but the total bill today will reach that amount!! The vet at the University hospital has told us it could be up to £2000 more, to come out of my own pocket. (I don't mind paying the University Hosp, cos they seem to know what they are doing it is the original £2500 for my own vet who has only made things worse and clearly taken us for a ride).


The past two weeks have been the worst ever, and I can't give up on her now, but it is looking like the costs mean I will have to. So I am asking if anybody has had a complaint about their vet and has been able to report it to some kind of organisation who overlooks the practices????

Any advice is appreciated

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I'm afraid not. Vet rang this morning to say one of her wounds was still leaking, and it was highly unlikely it would ever repair. So we made the hardest decision ever to have her put to sleep, we couldn't have put her through anymore.

10 months old, she didn't deserve it, I am gutted.

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Ive done a quick search and these are the people you need to complain to.... British Veterinary Association.

Not the RCVS.

Although your vets should have some sort of leaflet/advice for customers wishing to complain.

Very, very sad for your loss :cry:

Good luck if you decide to take action, and please let us know the outcome.


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Guest Lurcherbitch

Oh my god !!!! thats one of the worst horrer story's off vets f*****g up i have ever read. Cant help out in the legal advice but just wanted to add how sorry i am to read about this tragic chain of events and for your loss. :cry::cry:

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Really sorry to hear about your loss, what a feckin disgrace,personally I would complain to the governing body, and at the same time copy the vet in on the letter of complaint to make him aware of your disgust,

and your intent to withhold any/all payments until you have sought legal advice on this matter,before you go down the route, if it is your intention, of taking legal proceedings, did the vet have you sign any waiver regarding the outcome of any treatment prescribed?, i.e." No treatment is without it's dangers spiel" if so,this in no way relieves him of any incompetent action regarding the initail operation, but does give him a big backdrop for any monetary claim, It is a feckin mine field, get to a solicitor, preferably one who specialises in such matters, I am Hopefully breeding from one of my patts this year if you are looking for another, not as a replacement , more of a goodwill jesture, you can take one free of chargeas i am genuinely sorry to hear about your loss

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Thanks everyone for your support, we will look into the advice provided. Every day makes it a little bit easier, but we will never be able to replace her.

Thanks Jake for the kind offer of a pup, but we aren't making any decisions just yet. It's much appreciated though.

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