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Help please


after going out wit a mate to bring his dog on my bitch has stopped retrieving back to hand, she is not coming within 20 ft. she is always out with other dogs and sometimes run with other dogs but since running with an inexperienced dog no retrieval .



15 month old


Any Advise welcome

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i have one that retrieves any thing she knows the words....... post, paper, shoes etc make it a big ongoing game it doesn't need to be work orientated, treat her like a pup play with rolled up socks at home, a ball in the park etc. your choice of reward whether its praise and a pat, a lump of sausage or whatever i believe like i said earlier positive reinforcement ie she does good..... she gets a reward. be consistent with the command, keep it simple, one or two words tops ie fetch or flossy fetch. i use the fetch daily not only for retrieve training but also jumping, stay, even hiding it in long grass or cover encourages nose work etc it's not then even a big step to hand signals. keep it simple and consistent little and often and it'll come

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She gets praised every time except retrieving she has never fetched anything apart from live rabbits so don't no how to practise her retrieving when she won't come back with the bunny

I wouldn't do treats (as in edibles) as the dog should do it because it wants to please you. Praise seems to work best, enthusiasm and a rub of the chest.

Also retrieving then something edible may encourage dog to snack on the retrieved item by association.

Rabbit skin covered tennis ball defo keeps interest!

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some pups anticipate the edible reward and start to drop the dummy short.

this one as the original poster says is already coming in short, perhaps rehab training will need an extra enticement to bring it right in? a lot will depend on the individual dogs nature, maybe even a long line will be needed initially but in my experience this is best done after the dog has mastered the 'hold' but again this is opening up another method of training. just my opinion guys but i stick with back to basics, make the whole thing fun, build a relationship one on one and keep it simple

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