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3/4 grey 1/4 collie

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theres a pic of my old girl 15 now had her since i was a boy.. was a good dog in her day killed plenty hares and rabbits

Mine, I would definitely have this cross again if the opportunity arose.in the future        

banner saw collie types ive had catch everythin that can be asked and more were ever lamp daylite , woods , catching roe in woods is not an easy task but she done it , she had an accident , at 5 but

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still a few about the collie type that are pacy , the problem is some can throw greyhoundy at times and not have a good running brain or stamina ,but saw some crackers that could dance in any mans company [write] dogs , in the write hands , before the ban i saw one ferret in woods catch bolting rabbits , course a hare after 2 mins catch it fetch it , the same dog out lamping ,caut a hare and a roe on legal land then some rabbits to hand ,but ive had some, no better than a greyhound for stamina , he was hanckock bred , home bred ones seemed to be stronger and more stamina, got a collie cross fast type , that only made 23 24 but can do it were ever in company or on its own a [bANNED TEXT] hardy bitch , but i would say they are getting rarer ,now maybe not as rare as the good deerhound crosses we were brougth up with but getting rarer ,

Edited by BLACKWATER...
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these are my 2,they are litter mates.

i still have the dog but the bitch had to be pts a few years ago due to cancer












Cracking looking dog Graham, did it win anything

He's won a bit,Mostly as a veteran now





this is him nowadays 10 years old

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this dog I had 3/4grey/ 1/4 beardie collie, he throw to much to the greyhound, he could hunt from the road, and carry back to hand, had done all edible by the time he was 16 month old, single handed, he pulled his tendon in the left shoulder, and that was the end of his very short hunting life, at christmas time 2 year back on snow and hard frost he hunted up and flushed a very good Roe deer to the gun, the guy who was supposed to be a good shot, missed and the dog had to finish the job,



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they is some very good collie crosses despite what some brain dead people on here think i have 2 collies x bitches they are old now 1 is 13 years and the other is 8 years both of them wer top class on hares real fast and very good mouth with a nice bit of wind and plenty of brains, over all collies are fairly even the bad 1s can catch rabbits on a regular basis

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banner saw collie types ive had catch everythin that can be asked and more were ever lamp daylite , woods , catching roe in woods is not an easy task but she done it , she had an accident , at 5 but still caut game with pins ,she has bred good offspring to , but to keep that type of stamp going very difficult im afraid and when not worked they can be apain to handle if surrounded with forbiden game at times, good colie crosses are rare now but there there , viva la chase as they say,

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  • 3 weeks later...

this dog I had 3/4grey/ 1/4 beardie collie, he throw to much to the greyhound, he could hunt from the road, and carry back to hand, had done all edible by the time he was 16 month old, single handed, he pulled his tendon in the left shoulder, and that was the end of his very short hunting life, at christmas time 2 year back on snow and hard frost he hunted up and flushed a very good Roe deer to the gun, the guy who was supposed to be a good shot, missed and the dog had to finish the job,




That's my type of dog, how was his stamina mate or did he never really get tested before the injury? Now fellas, what would you prefer to see homing in on a hare, this type of dog or one of those saluki inbreeds? :hmm: Only one winner in my book, thanks for the picture mate :thumbs:

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