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what is a drop box ?

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a drop box is a simple trap an area is fenced of with rabbit fencing a pit is dug and a square box 18 x18 is inserted into the hole this is to stop the rabbits digging out it is a good idea to put some mesh on the floor of the pit as well then you cut a hole in the mesh and insert the tunnel of the drop box in the fence lock the trap door so the rabbits get used to going through the tunnel which can take a bit of time when you are satisfied it is being used you unlock the trap door in the morning next day when you go to check it there should be the rabbits in the pit that have been useing the tunnel for the last couple of weeks keep it unlocked for another night then lock the trap door for another 2 weeks and do it again

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richie this is what the top looks like ,its made by lauderdale engineering like a pit fall trap really this one woodga is emptying is set wrong it was put in by the farmers mate , as they as best set thru the fence and on an angle so the rabbit running along the fence can run straight into it without having to run into then thru the tunnel hope this helps cheers rob :D



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cheers for that. i dont suspose any members would be able to post some pictures of the correct way they should be set if possible. or is there any web sites that have the methods displayed.





These useful traps are not a new thing Richie,... ;)

They are a good method of rabbit control,..perhaps,.too fecking good... :hmm:

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i suspose these traps would only work well with a rabbit proof fence sealing the area off so the bunnies would have no choice to use the entrance? and i take it these are set in an already used run ? could these be set in a run with no fencing section ?




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