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The Rochdale Pedos

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At the risk of being branded a racist ( which would be quite funny) has anyone else seen the news with the Pakistanis living in Rochdale who were getting young girls drunk and drugged and then raping them and them passing them around to each other

My questions are these;

1 As these religious muslims are not supposed to either drink or take drugs or commit adultery will there local mosque be having a nice public stoning for each of them when the british prisons are finished with them, after all the Muslims are always asking for sharia law !

2 Are the social workers who were supposed to be "looking after" the vunerable children going to be taken to task for the way that they were abused whilst being under the care of mthe local authority


There is another question but I think I know the answer already, will our government deport these nonces once they have served their sentences here in the UK?


To anyone answering this post please keep it sensible, this is not a thread to scream about f#cking pakis etc just a topical news item regarding a pedo ring that are all Pakistani Muslims living in the UK

Edited by ginga john
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Been happening for years. The government didn't want to know for fear of upsetting certain communities and no one took action. It came down to the BNP to report this stuff years ago and still no one l

There was a post about this a couple of weeks ago with a link to the BNP. When they were first in court there was a media blackout and due to the BNP demonstrations outside the court the case was adj

in my eyes, no matter the colour of your skin , or what your religon is , if your a pedo you deserve to be hung drawn an quartered. Pedos of any sort, do not deserve to live       Im an ex sevicem

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Been happening for years. The government didn't want to know for fear of upsetting certain communities and no one took action. It came down to the BNP to report this stuff years ago and still no one listened, of course anyone who then agreed with the BNP were then marginalised and ignored. You have to wonder what exactly those white families were supposed to do when no one including police, local government etc did anything to stop it.


Thank god things are changing

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At the risk of being branded a racist ( which would be quite funny) has anyone else seen the news with the Pakistanis living in Rochdale who were getting young girls drunk and drugged and then raping them and them passing them around to each other

My questions are these;

1 As these religious muslims are not supposed to either drink or take drugs or commit adultery will there local mosque be having a nice public stoning for each of them when the british prisons are finished with them, after all the Muslims are always asking for sharia law !

2 Are the social workers who were supposed to be "looking after" the vunerable children going to be taken to task for the way that they were abused whilst being under the care of mthe local authority


There is another question but I think I know the answer already, will our government deport these nonces once they have served their sentences here in the UK?


To anyone answering this post please keep it sensible, this is not a thread to scream about f#cking pakis etc just a topical news item regarding a pedo ring that are all Pakistani Muslims living in the UK


No, it seems perfectly acceptable for ''Traditional'' Muslims to marry and have sex with 12, 13, 14 year old girls.

I believe homosexuality is illegal under Islam, but it doesn't stop young boys getting bummed in various Muslim countries (Man love Thursday, for those that know!)


Looking at the state of most local authorities I doubt anyone can be arsed to sift through the bullsh*t and hold someone accountable.


If found guilty, they will serve their sentences, then be released on licence, put into a council house under a protection program (all paid for by us, of course), and nearby residents won't be warned about this.



There seems to be a big cover up with this stuff, these activities are normal in these communities but the mainstream media seem to 'forget' to report 90% of the stuff that goes on.

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There was a post about this a couple of weeks ago with a link to the BNP. When they were first in court there was a media blackout and due to the BNP demonstrations outside the court the case was adjourned. You can guarantee if was a gang of white paedo's it would be front page news for weeks. No matter what the race, colour, creed or religion these b*****ds should swing.

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about time someone in parliment grew a pair and brought this up and the fact that multiculturisum doesnt work, britan is british and so it should reamain. if they want to live like they do back in their homeland then piss offf back there, the human right act wants binning, if they dont fit in send them back, tighten the borders and keep them out .

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There's a long history of abuse to vulnerable children in this country ! whether it's been by a Muslim or a catholic , vicar ,teacher, policeman. Regardless of they all need hanging! What I find just as scary is that I've heard nothing about this ! And I can only say that it must be because of there religion. I think the tide is turning against Islam in this country and people have seen what it,and it's followers are all about. And that's why the media hasn't reported this case!

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There's a long history of abuse to vulnerable children in this country ! whether it's been by a Muslim or a catholic , vicar ,teacher, policeman. Regardless of they all need hanging! What I find just as scary is that I've heard nothing about this ! And I can only say that it must be because of there religion. I think the tide is turniner g against Islam in this country and people have seen what it,and it's followers are all about. And that's why the media hasn't reported this case!

its all over the right wing sites bnp,edl,britan first but there is.was a blackout imposed on the mainstream media.
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