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Found a ferret today...

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Let me get this right, you are getting rid of ferrets so you can breed more?Why breed if you don't need to increase stock? I'd suspect that the ones you are getting rid of aren't up to much as worker

Please read the bold bit !!!     Because i would like to breed a couple from the ones i currently have......Does this offend, upset, irritate or boil your piss in any way ?????     Where d

Funny that, I keep my ferrets through the summer rather than ditching them when the season stops. I breed when I want to increase numbers, not just for the sake of it.  

Easy way to tell is the hob's only got one hole in it's back end :D


Marvin, your first post didn't say it's to keep it company, you said the hutch comes with a Jill. Nice back pedal though.


You still here trying to redeem your simpleton comments :yes: :yes:


Point out the u-turn, :hmm:


And on another note I think I may create some sort of ferret factory using my jills and artificial lighting, just to boil your piss, something about me giving a lad a free ferret and cage, then breeding in the summer for myself and friends, (who knows maybe the lad would like a kit by then), has deffo wound you up. Wonder what it could be, surely not ferret envy, because I would place my salary on you being the holder of the best ferrets that side of the pennines


Would I of been selling the kits? NO


Would I now if I thought it would irritate yourself? HELL YEAH :yes: :yes:


Now kindly do myself and the young lad who's thread you seem intent on hijacking a favour would you? Take a very long jog on and rub a bit of clotrimozole cream on your head cos you truly are an irritating c*nt :bye: :bye: :bye:


My apology RubyTex for how this thread has ended up, Good luck dude

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Easy way to tell is the hob's only got one hole in it's back end :D


Marvin, your first post didn't say it's to keep it company, you said the hutch comes with a Jill. Nice back pedal though.


You still here trying to redeem your simpleton comments :yes: :yes:


Point out the u-turn, :hmm:


And on another note I think I may create some sort of ferret factory using my jills and artificial lighting, just to boil your piss, something about me giving a lad a free ferret and cage, then breeding in the summer for myself and friends, (who knows maybe the lad would like a kit by then), has deffo wound you up. Wonder what it could be, surely not ferret envy, because I would place my salary on you being the holder of the best ferrets that side of the pennines


Would I of been selling the kits? NO


Would I now if I thought it would irritate yourself? HELL YEAH :yes: :yes:


Now kindly do myself and the young lad who's thread you seem intent on hijacking a favour would you? Take a very long jog on and rub a bit of clotrimozole cream on your head cos you truly are an irritating c*nt :bye: :bye: :bye:


My apology RubyTex for how this thread has ended up, Good luck dude

I think you have gone far enough now this is a forum for the discussion of ferrets and ferreting I'm not having a go at you before you take out a campaign of some sort ?? It's easy enough to take things wrong after all all you see is words and words can be taken wrong you can't see or tell what somebody really means and it's easy to take things out of context after all there just words , you weren't formally on this sight under the name Crobin were you ,??? , atb j

Edited by Jamie m
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Is that the car park furthest down near the golf course? This was up the headland could be the same one?

They are two totaly different golf coarses mate..the sandy car park is on seaton carrew..the golf coarse you found the ferret on is up near king ossie is it not..
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Is that the car park furthest down near the golf course? This was up the headland could be the same one?

They are two totaly different golf coarses mate..the sandy car park is on seaton carrew..the golf coarse you found the ferret on is up near king ossie is it not..


ahhhh now i see what golf course hes talkin about lol,


No bud, no chance of it been his if its that far up, unless it swam the channel over bud ;)


we went bk around the same set to try find the one he lost but nothing :(

oh well he has spares but still a shame.


atb paul

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Is that the car park furthest down near the golf course? This was up the headland could be the same one?

They are two totaly different golf coarses mate..the sandy car park is on seaton carrew..the golf coarse you found the ferret on is up near king ossie is it not..


ahhhh now i see what golf course hes talkin about lol,


No bud, no chance of it been his if its that far up, unless it swam the channel over bud ;)


we went bk around the same set to try find the one he lost but nothing :(

oh well he has spares but still a shame.


atb paul

Spare collars lad must be minted : )

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yeh me mate never uses collars should do but never does ( i ment spare ferrets )


also me mate has asked me to ask if your ferrit is forsale?

he buys them all the time you see.


well best get ready as off out lampin shortly :)


atb paul

Edited by madmacca
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