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Found a ferret today...

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Now then,


Was walking the dogs along the beach today and sat on the wave breaker wall to bask in the sunshine. Looked to my left and saw something hopping along and thought it was one of the shore birds looking for a scrap, next thing i know it's only a bloody ferret! It came straight up to me so i let it sniff my finger then picked it up and it went into my shoulder bag and curled up. Random encounter or what! Gave it some chicken i had for my snack and it lapped it up, then curled back up in my bag and fell asleep. Never ever owned a ferret before and it didn't have a collar, I've put the word out locally but i just can't think where it's come from.


It's a lovely little thing probably only a young un or a female, i've got my dads mate coming over later to check it over. The dogs love him/her but they've never seen one before. Been playing and biting eachother all afternoon. Got a hutch delivered off a mate only a small one but it'll do for now until i find the owner. I'm secretly hoping the owner doesn't come forward, he/she is a beauty.


Anyone on here lost a ferret near Hartlepool?

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Let me get this right, you are getting rid of ferrets so you can breed more?Why breed if you don't need to increase stock? I'd suspect that the ones you are getting rid of aren't up to much as worker

Please read the bold bit !!!     Because i would like to breed a couple from the ones i currently have......Does this offend, upset, irritate or boil your piss in any way ?????     Where d

Funny that, I keep my ferrets through the summer rather than ditching them when the season stops. I breed when I want to increase numbers, not just for the sake of it.  

oh they can bite like lol its just a confidence thing, let it smell the back of your fist before you pick it up and it will be fine, if you hold it by the shoulders/neck and stroke down its underside you should feel a lump low down which would be the penis if its a hob.


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Seems a young one Annette so plenty of potential. Definately going to get into ferreting now - the guy whos coming to sex it for me also has a Jack Russell bitch that he's on about breeding and my dad is trying to twist my mums arm for us to get one of the pups :thumbs:


Random but quality find!

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Guest annette jackman

Seems a young one Annette so plenty of potential. Definately going to get into ferreting now - the guy whos coming to sex it for me also has a Jack Russell bitch that he's on about breeding and my dad is trying to twist my mums arm for us to get one of the pups :thumbs:


Random but quality find!

good luck with that, hope ya mum lets you have one :thumbs:

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I have 3 Jills but only really have need for 2 as the season draws to an end, im planning on breeding in the summer from a friends hobs, the albino is handler friendly and gets along with my terrier a treat :thumbs:

Let me get this right, you are getting rid of ferrets so you can breed more?Why breed if you don't need to increase stock?

I'd suspect that the ones you are getting rid of aren't up to much as workers, either that or you are just an idiot.

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I have 3 Jills but only really have need for 2 as the season draws to an end, im planning on breeding in the summer from a friends hobs, the albino is handler friendly and gets along with my terrier a treat :thumbs:

Let me get this right, you are getting rid of ferrets so you can breed more?


Please read the bold bit !!! :yes:


Why breed if you don't need to increase stock?


Because i would like to breed a couple from the ones i currently have......Does this offend, upset, irritate or boil your piss in any way ????? :hmm:


I'd suspect that the ones you are getting rid of aren't up to much as workers, either that or you are just an idiot.


Where did I say anything about giving plural away ??? :blink:


or you are just an idiot.


Well there we have it a full on professional opinion :huh:


I agree there are idiots on here............. but at least while your logged in the villagers know where you are my simpleton fwend, nosce te ipsum :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

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Funny that, I keep my ferrets through the summer rather than ditching them when the season stops.

I breed when I want to increase numbers, not just for the sake of it.


Even funnier that I offer a lad a hutch to better his loaned one and a ferret to keep his only one company and this is seen as stitching the lad up lol :blink:.


Great stuff breeding your ferrets when you want to increase numbers and not just for the sake of it ................. if only your parents had put as much thought into reproduction you may of had a better chance in life TUG, now the mind boggles as to what your hobby is :whistling: :whistling:

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Lets be fair lads i'm not going to be a hardcore ferreter (oo-er) so i don't mind if a ferret is a poor worker because it'll be company for my little project here :thumbs: could have a world beater here ... very kind offer from Marvin and i'm waiting on a second opinion but i think i've got a Jill.

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