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Ancient sighthounds

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Natural Evolution is an unproven theory after 150+ years of digging for "missing links" that remain missing! Selective Breeding and genetic manipulation are both proven. Darwin is lauded, while a true genius of the time, Baron George Cuvier is ignored! Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm. Do you honestly think primitive man bred something as perfect as a Greyhound from common stock? 30,000 years ago Neanderthals were running the kennels with no means of keeping camp dogs separate, so no selective breeding! That's if you believe the History books... which I don't! atb Painless
WTF brain dead creationism is a fantasy strange how the gaps in the links get smaller all the time .The dog is not very old in the scale of time past and can be altered in looks in a few generations.Evolution ha been proven in thousands of instances moron .
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I 100% agree because I know few baboons with dogs ATB

Let me try and shed some light on this. It was the Arcadians who first began breeding dogs for hunting and began churning out various types of what we now refer to as dogs (10million yrs B.C.) The l

Tapestry of birth of Christ that hangs in the Vatican. Bottom left is a dog of certain sighthound blood,so just how long have such dogs been around??

For anyone who doubts the mechanism by which evolution works I recommend "The Greatest Show On Earth" by professor of evolutionary biology, Richard Dawkins. There's enough food for thought in that single volume to allow any open minded truth seeker to ruminate long enough to compile a counter argument based upon reason rather than dogma. (But I haven't yet seen one!)

I personally tend to apply Occams Razor to theories such as this......the simplest and most straight forward explanation that hasn't been falsified is often the truth! If we posite difficulties in, for instance, the theory of evolution, such as the oft repeated "missing link" conundrum, then why ignore the even more difficult question of, "If a god, alien being or other supernatural being created life....who created him, she or it?"

The "straw man" argument about man being descended from chimps (and why aren't they still evolving) is of course fraudulent......Darwin suggested that Chimps and the other anthropoid apes, Gorillas, Gibbons, Orang Utans and Homo Sapiens (Humans) all descended from a.... COMMON ANCESTOR.... and subsequent discoveries by Gregor Mendel and Watson and Crick have illuminated the mechanism by which the process works. Genetics and chromosomes hadn't been discovered in Darwins time, yet backward thinking creationist types still alude to his ignorance of the particular mechanics of the process, while simultaniously ignoring the fact that no-one else knew about the subject either at that time.

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For anyone who doubts the mechanism by which evolution works I recommend "The Greatest Show On Earth" by professor of evolutionary biology, Richard Dawkins. There's enough food for thought in that single volume to allow any open minded truth seeker to ruminate long enough to compile a counter argument based upon reason rather than dogma. (But I haven't yet seen one!)

I personally tend to apply Occams Razor to theories such as this......the simplest and most straight forward explanation that hasn't been falsified is often the truth! If we posite difficulties in, for instance, the theory of evolution, such as the oft repeated "missing link" conundrum, then why ignore the even more difficult question of, "If a god, alien being or other supernatural being created life....who created him, she or it?"

The "straw man" argument about man being descended from chimps (and why aren't they still evolving) is of course fraudulent......Darwin suggested that Chimps and the other anthropoid apes, Gorillas, Gibbons, Orang Utans and Homo Sapiens (Humans) all descended from a.... COMMON ANCESTOR.... and subsequent discoveries by Gregor Mendel and Watson and Crick have illuminated the mechanism by which the process works. Genetics and chromosomes hadn't been discovered in Darwins time, yet backward thinking creationist types still alude to his ignorance of the particular mechanics of the process, while simultaniously ignoring the fact that no-one else knew about the subject either at that time.

I like your reasoning BOLIO, but I want to go back to the original thread which is about whether Sighthounds evolved to be used by the Egyptians, or whether, as I argue, they were 'original' like the domesticated Cheetahs also used by the Egyptians at the same time. I've copied some images above for comparison. The larger pic is obviously DNA.... the smaller pic is 'Caduceus', the symbol of our modern Medical profession. I'm sure that we can all see the similarity and why shouldn't the Medics use DNA in their symbol? It was a fantastic discovery, right? What interests me is the fact that the Caduceus image is 6000 years old and is.... SUMERIAN! It comes from the region in which Sighthounds appear to have developed and from a culture who claimed to be able to hybridize between the species! Check out the carved stone images from their time. It seems to me that they carried out some freaky experiments! If you look at my posts you will see that I don't claim God or Aliens did anything...... I keep an open mind. I am NOT a creationist, and I quite like the idea of Evoltion.... but that's ALL it is , an IDEA! My main problem with it is that it requires a slow, uniform progression that takes many Thousands, if not millions of years. A cursory look at the Geology of Earth tells us that that was not the case! Emmanuel Velikovski wrote a book "Worlds in Collision", which was heavily suppressed at the time. It's a cracking read and might give you an idea of why the Sumerians technology disappeared. atb Painless
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Painless sighounds are just dogs, they may have been around prior to the Egyptians but came from the same basic dog ancestor as all other modern dogs, their genetics like all the rest link back to a middle eastern wolf ancestor.

Interspecies breeding? basic genetics answers the ability ie donkey + horse but not donkey + camel which supports evolutionary principles. Perhaps you could join the Bad science forum where some clever people may be able to answer your questions and put your mind to rest.


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Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.

And? We fly in airplanes but that doesn't mean we evolved to fly like birds.

The type of civilization needed to carry out gene splicing would leave more than a few crude relics. Just the industrialization needed to supply the metals, class, lenses, plastics, chemicals would leave major archeological relicts/industrial landscapes. Then there would be the genetic evidence ie sighthounds would have cat genes lol.

If you have real faith in your beliefs then why not post on a relevant scientific forum such as bad science?

What next spacemen brought us here?????? Just follow the ley-lines !!!!


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Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.


What does that prove? And how does it go against anything that Sandy said?


Nobody is denying that genetics can be manipulated artificially in a lab. That however is a long way from what Painless is suggesting.

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Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.

And? We fly in airplanes but that doesn't mean we evolved to fly like birds.

The type of civilization needed to carry out gene splicing would leave more than a few crude relics. Just the industrialization needed to supply the metals, class, lenses, plastics, chemicals would leave major archeological relicts/industrial landscapes. Then there would be the genetic evidence ie sighthounds would have cat genes lol.

If you have real faith in your beliefs then why not post on a relevant scientific forum such as bad science?

What next spacemen brought us here?????? Just follow the ley-lines !!!!

Gene splicing? The way we mess with things genetically is so crude as to be unbelievable..... literally relying on viruses to carry foreign DNA into cells! The fact that we get any results at all amazes me! We can't even see what individual genes do.... it's all just guess work despite what they tell you about gene therapy for Cancer treatment in a few years. As I said, Science is a religeon and you have complete faith in it! They reckon that 98% of DNA in a cell is 'junk' DNA, Whose to say what characters could be carried by it? And a lot of DNA is common to ALL animals, not species specific at all! Seems to me a lot of Science is 'Bad Science'! Why do you keep bringing up 'Space men', why couldn't an advanced culture of men do it? Have you looked at OOPARTS (Out Of Place Artefacts) yet or is your mind too closed for that? Just been reading up on Gene splicing... using enzymes in a test tube looks even more hit or miss than Viruses! Edited by 2Painless2btrue
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Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.


What does that prove? And how does it go against anything that Sandy said?


Nobody is denying that genetics can be manipulated artificially in a lab. That however is a long way from what Painless is suggesting.



Is it :hmm: thats evidence of human genetic experimentation theres a whole lot more been done spider genes in goats etc etc and thats what the powers that be let you know about.

Whos not to say an ancient race could not have done the same thing and sandy if it were spacemen chances are they would have come a very long way in a spacecraft and left very little in the way of artifacts ;) im on the fence on that one till i see some aliens seen some strange things in the skies but thankfully nothing on the ground yet when im out . :thumbs:

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Guest Anubis

Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.

And? We fly in airplanes but that doesn't mean we evolved to fly like birds.

The type of civilization needed to carry out gene splicing would leave more than a few crude relics. Just the industrialization needed to supply the metals, class, lenses, plastics, chemicals would leave major archeological relicts/industrial landscapes. Then there would be the genetic evidence ie sighthounds would have cat genes lol.

If you have real faith in your beliefs then why not post on a relevant scientific forum such as bad science?

What next spacemen brought us here?????? Just follow the ley-lines !!!!

Gene splicing? The way we mess with things genetically is so crude as to be unbelievable..... literally relying on viruses to carry foreign DNA into cells! The fact that we get any results at all amazes me! We can't even see what individual genes do.... it's all just guess work despite what they tell you about gene therapy for Cancer treatment in a few years. As I said, Science is a religeon and you have complete faith in it! They reckon that 98% of DNA in a cell is 'junk' DNA, Whose to say what characters could be carried by it? And a lot of DNA is common to ALL animals, not species specific at all! Seems to me a lot of Science is 'Bad Science'! Why do you keep bringing up 'Space men', why couldn't an advanced culture of men do it? Have you looked at OOPARTS (Out Of Place Artefacts) yet or is your mind too closed for that? Just been reading up on Gene splicing... using enzymes in a test tube looks even more hit or miss than Viruses!



Sirius is good reading.

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Natural Evolution is an unproven theory after 150+ years of digging for "missing links" that remain missing! Selective Breeding and genetic manipulation are both proven. Darwin is lauded, while a true genius of the time, Baron George Cuvier is ignored! Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm. Do you honestly think primitive man bred something as perfect as a Greyhound from common stock? 30,000 years ago Neanderthals were running the kennels with no means of keeping camp dogs separate, so no selective breeding! That's if you believe the History books... which I don't! atb Painless

greyhounds have many cat like qualities? point is? (a dog isnt a cat?) natural evolution is due to mutations which benefit the survival of a species. selective breeding basically speeds up evolution of a species, highlighting chosen characteristics selected by the breeders (us).
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Sandymere do some research we are producing chimeras as we debate this . :yes:


Or you could ask your mates on the bad science forum just use your link lol.

And? We fly in airplanes but that doesn't mean we evolved to fly like birds.

The type of civilization needed to carry out gene splicing would leave more than a few crude relics. Just the industrialization needed to supply the metals, class, lenses, plastics, chemicals would leave major archeological relicts/industrial landscapes. Then there would be the genetic evidence ie sighthounds would have cat genes lol.

If you have real faith in your beliefs then why not post on a relevant scientific forum such as bad science?

What next spacemen brought us here?????? Just follow the ley-lines !!!!

Gene splicing? The way we mess with things genetically is so crude as to be unbelievable..... literally relying on viruses to carry foreign DNA into cells! The fact that we get any results at all amazes me! We can't even see what individual genes do.... it's all just guess work despite what they tell you about gene therapy for Cancer treatment in a few years. As I said, Science is a religeon and you have complete faith in it! They reckon that 98% of DNA in a cell is 'junk' DNA, Whose to say what characters could be carried by it? And a lot of DNA is common to ALL animals, not species specific at all! Seems to me a lot of Science is 'Bad Science'! Why do you keep bringing up 'Space men', why couldn't an advanced culture of men do it? Have you looked at OOPARTS (Out Of Place Artefacts) yet or is your mind too closed for that? Just been reading up on Gene splicing... using enzymes in a test tube looks even more hit or miss than Viruses!

lol 60% of our dna is the same as a bananas
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The whole thing about wolves, or wild canines of some sort, scavenging around camps is far less likely than a litter of orphan pups, the mother having been killed by the hunters, who then raised and bred from only the most docile and tame-able. This is far more satisfying as well as logical, as a theory. Early man must have noticed how effective a wild dog pack were at tracking and running down their prey, and being smart, probably wasted no time in making use of such a useful tool in their struggle to survive. That's just the way I see it. I'm sure that there are countless theories on the subject.


Human hunters would interact with wild canines in two ways. (a) Scavenging (or just taking over) canid kills and (B) taking game that is running ahead of a hunting pack.

It wouldn't take too many occasions of this nature before campfire talk after an unsuccessful hunt would have turned to, "Remember when.....? How can we make it happen again??"


It is also possible that canids - being pack animals and accustomed to working as a team - learnt that there are benefits to working with people. A parallel would be the cooperation between dolphins and aboriginals on the east coast of Australia in fishing.

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I watched a documentary on the television recently , it showed three skinny little hunter gathers armed with throwing spears walk up to a pride of lions that had just made a kill. These men shooed the lions away and proceeded to hack a hind leg of the dead animal, the said men then casually walked away the lions then returned to their kill. Those little African tribes men are surly in tune with nature.

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