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Ancient sighthounds

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In the National Museum of Scotland Edinburgh, there is a piece of roman pottery cica 1st century A.D. This artefact was found in Argyllshire, the decorations on this pot depict a large rough haired dog chaseing a large deer .This is claimed to be a Deerhound by the Deerhound society. Cheers Sherlock.

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I 100% agree because I know few baboons with dogs ATB

Let me try and shed some light on this. It was the Arcadians who first began breeding dogs for hunting and began churning out various types of what we now refer to as dogs (10million yrs B.C.) The l

Tapestry of birth of Christ that hangs in the Vatican. Bottom left is a dog of certain sighthound blood,so just how long have such dogs been around??

Painless, you are convinced that evolution is only a theory, this next piece has been written by Jerry Coyne a Proffesor of Biology in is on line article the faith that dare not speak it's name : The Case Against Intelegent Design. It is important to realise at the outset that evolutionis not " just a theory." It is, again, a theory and a fact. Although non-scientists often equate " theory" with " hunch" or " wild guess," the Oxford English Dictionary defines a scientific theory as " a scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts." In science, a theory is a convincing explanation for a diversity of data from nature. Thus science speaks of " atomic theory" and " gravitational theory" as explanations for the properties of matter and the mutual attraction of bodies. It makes as little sense to doubt the factuality of evolution as to doubt the factuality of gravity. Painless I hope this helps with your quest for knowledge and understanding. Cheers Sherlock.


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Gravity now thats a can of worms in itself :hmm: sherlock how deep you going down this here rabbit hole :huh:

How is gravity a can of worms? Without it we would all be floating about lol. Theres no denying gravity


The vast majority of the scientific community feel the same about evolution, that's the point. All of science as we know it is theory, theorys to fit observable facts. That's where people get confused, they read evolution theory and think that it's unproven. But by definition all of science is theory. Newton's theory of gravity, Einstein's theory of special relativity etc etc. Do people doubt these scientific 'theories'? Of course a small minority do, but not because any scrap of factual evidence dissagrees with them! The only way to prove anything is to disprove every other possible theory that explains the observable facts of which there would literally be an infinite number, thus quite impossible.


A proposed theory becomes accepted as 'fact' when it is tested at the forefront of scientific research over time. Eventually a 'theory' stands this test and becomes accepted science, otherwise we would never achieve anything. I'm not saying we shouldn't question currently accepted science (that would be verging on religious! lol) but more often than not the ones that do are just doing it for the sake of it or because they don't have the intelligence to understand and comprehend the science. When experimentally observed facts crop up that sit outside of the boundary conditions of current science and seem to dissagree it's at that point we question the currently accepted theories and look for new ones. Of course it isn't quite that black and white.


Evolution theory has been around for a while now and is yet to be dissproven, it has made proven predictions and stands as the predominant theory of life on Earth within academia. It has a simple elligence that is pleasing to a scientist as is the trend with science.



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Aint saying it dont exist but what is it and what causes it do they really know :hmm:


That is one hell of a question! If you have the answer let me know and I'll get the Noble prize garunteed!


To even begin to answer it you need to understand General relativity, Quantum mechanics with it's many sub catagories and theories, gravitons and quite possibly the theoretical higgs boson. It's a big question.

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The search for the higgs boson all around the theory of a graviton existing now i theorise the universe is electric gravity is electro magnetism do i get the nobel lol.

Theorys are ok till you put them into practice then nature more often than not gives you the finger.

Edited by juckler123
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Probably turn out that us dogs cattle sheep etc have all been genetically modified from the start just like we are genetically modifing things today till they find all the missing links i will go with that theory and say no more on the subject atvb.

Edited by juckler123
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Our selection of what dogs bred doesn't necessarily have to mean the best were selected and mated in some controlled environment.


if times were so hard that my families life was on the line I'd kill and eat any of my dogs that couldn't earn their keep.

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Hi everybody! Shit! This brainwashing has turned some peoples grey matter a bit white! "Theory of Evolution has been around for quite a while..." Yeah, and it's STILL unproven! Scientific theories are put forward to stand until something replaces them. Gallileo was imprisoned for saying the Earth wasn't at the centre of the Universe despite the fact that the Sumerians described our solar system, with our Sun at it's centre, 6000 years before! I bet some of you 'Scientists' put artificially hydrogenated fat on your toast to prevent hardening of your arteries! Give us a break! Well done Juckler, for standing up to the mob! By the way, that can't be a human footprint coz Dinosaurs were all wiped out by an asteroid 5 million years before Man appeared! Got to be a hoax right? Wrong! We've been fed a lot off boll-cks for the last 100 years or so, since we had the temerity to demand schooling.

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Painless, you are convinced that evolution is only a theory, this next piece has been written by Jerry Coyne a Proffesor of Biology in is on line article the faith that dare not speak it's name : The Case Against Intelegent Design. It is important to realise at the outset that evolutionis not " just a theory." It is, again, a theory and a fact. Although non-scientists often equate " theory" with " hunch" or " wild guess," the Oxford English Dictionary defines a scientific theory as " a scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts." In science, a theory is a convincing explanation for a diversity of data from nature. Thus science speaks of " atomic theory" and " gravitational theory" as explanations for the properties of matter and the mutual attraction of bodies. It makes as little sense to doubt the factuality of evolution as to doubt the factuality of gravity. Painless I hope this helps with your quest for knowledge and understanding. Cheers Sherlock.

Last year I went to a reunion of her college graduation year. There were 2 professors there who trained with her. Concensus was that they were among the dullest blokes in her year! Just got to keep churning out 'papers' on a subject and do your time to become a Prof! Science IS A RELIGION and has been for a long time. If you have an original thought you can't get a research grant in case you upset the apple cart! Someone said that Darwin must be right coz his theory hasn't been disproven..... you don't have to disprove it... that's called 'negative averment'... In Law, "He who avers must prove!" At least they did last time I was in Court! Sherlock, I don't watch much Television, tho I do enjoy a good film! I'm not surprised that the 'Mound Builders' only got shown on a minority channel, as I said, they keep this stuff away from the mainstream if they can. These 9' tall individuals represent ANOTHER Race of humans, yet you continue to argue that only ONE Race of canines ,ie Wolves, are compatable with domestic dogs! I'm "still questing for knowledge and understandind" but I'm happy for you who know it all! Again, good discussion tho and some good research... Respect! atb Painless
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