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Ancient sighthounds

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I was doing a bit of research on the ancient Egyptians and their hunting dogs, and came across this: I had seen the photo of the dog mummy before, many years ago, but with the wonders of the internet here's a bit more information on it.


It's amazing to see how far back in time our ancestors were using dogs to help them catch game. I've often asked myself questions such as: did the hare actually evolve to become the creature it is today partly due to the fact that man was breeding dogs to chase them? Different animals evolve in different ways in order to survive: the whole evolution thing is so intricate, each species' path interwoven with that of either its predators or its prey depending on which one it is.


Scroll down for the bit on the dog mummy, which resembles a Sloughi or Greyhound type animal.




and here's another interesting site and theory on the differences between the Saluki and the Sloughi:


Edited by skycat
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I 100% agree because I know few baboons with dogs ATB

Let me try and shed some light on this. It was the Arcadians who first began breeding dogs for hunting and began churning out various types of what we now refer to as dogs (10million yrs B.C.) The l

Tapestry of birth of Christ that hangs in the Vatican. Bottom left is a dog of certain sighthound blood,so just how long have such dogs been around??

I don't think humans would of got where we are today as quick as we did if it wasn't for our partnership with dogs. Seen a documentary clip once can't think what country it was but baboons were nicking young pups off the rubbish dump and taking them as pets and even though they were cruel sometimes to the dogs they stayed as they new they had protection and food

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Apparently the ancient Egyptians had both pricked and lop eared sight hounds so the original Pharaoh hound existed back then. Whether or not that breed today is directly descended from them I don't know. It appears that domestic dogs appeared then disappeared again through out the course of history, possibly due to cataclysmic events, disease, movement of population etc etc. It now appears that the earliest recorded dog remains date back to over 30,000 years ago!



Ain't t'internet great! :laugh:

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  On 21/02/2012 at 13:15, skycat said:

Apparently the ancient Egyptians had both pricked and lop eared sight hounds so the original Pharaoh hound existed back then. Whether or not that breed today is directly descended from them I don't know. It appears that domestic dogs appeared then disappeared again through out the course of history, possibly due to cataclysmic events, disease, movement of population etc etc. It now appears that the earliest recorded dog remains date back to over 30,000 years ago!



Ain't t'internet great! :laugh:


Interesting, especially the theory of 'self domestication'. I can see that happening quite easily, just look at how urban foxes have become so tollerant of humans.


These early dogs sound pretty powerfull beasts by the description. How long untill someone is doing a jurassic park special and crossing one with a greyhound in the lab? :laugh:

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Natural Evolution is an unproven theory after 150+ years of digging for "missing links" that remain missing! Selective Breeding and genetic manipulation are both proven. Darwin is lauded, while a true genius of the time, Baron George Cuvier is ignored! Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm. Do you honestly think primitive man bred something as perfect as a Greyhound from common stock? 30,000 years ago Neanderthals were running the kennels with no means of keeping camp dogs separate, so no selective breeding! That's if you believe the History books... which I don't! atb Painless

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  On 21/02/2012 at 18:37, 2Painless2btrue said:

Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm.


Please explain. I didn't know that primitive man had laboratories. Or are you just on a wind up or some interesting chemical fantasy enhancer?

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  On 22/02/2012 at 09:07, skycat said:
  On 21/02/2012 at 18:37, 2Painless2btrue said:

Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm.


Please explain. I didn't know that primitive man had laboratories. Or are you just on a wind up or some interesting chemical fantasy enhancer?


I believe he is refering to to the theory of Catastrophism that George Cuvier was a proponent of.


From wiki;

"Cuvier came to believe that most if not all the animal fossils he examined were remains of species that were now extinct. Near the end of his 1796 paper on living and fossil elephants he said:


All of these facts, consistent among themselves, and not opposed by any report, seem to me to prove the existence of a world previous to ours, destroyed by some kind of catastrophe.


This led Cuvier to become an active proponent of the geological school of thought called catastrophism that maintained that many of the geological features of the earth and the past history of life could be explained by catastrophic events that had caused the extinction of many species of animals."


I think he's saying that man or a previous similar species were far more advanced than we believe them to have been but were wiped out by a catastrophe.


I'm not even gonna begin to argue against it.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Thanks people, for your open minds! For your information Cuvier was undeniably one of the greatest minds in Science. Darwin was an amateur! And No, I am not religeous or a cult member, or taking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. I'm impressed by Born Hunter, who took the trouble to google Cuvier.... Good Man! So we have at least one person not completely sleep walking! Out of interest Skycat (I loved your book by the way!), how do you propose primitive man picked their original 'docile' wolf cubs and then found other 'docile' types to mate them with? And during their breeding programmes, how did they keep the masses of other wild wolves away from their she wolves/ bitches in season? Quite a trick! Its a fact that tetraploid grain crops appeared out of nowhere around 5000 years ago and have no near wild cousins. Farm livestock breeds abound that have no obvious wild origin, especially the domestic pig. It's been suggested that these have human DNA in there makeup, which is why we can use pig heart valves as replacements in humans...FACT! Just because TPTB don't teach these things in school, doesn't mean they aren't true. Wake up! Try googling 'Helicopter of Abydos'. From the same region that produced your Ancient Sighthounds, and just one example of many that technology greater than ours was available to Mankind thousands of years ago!

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  On 22/02/2012 at 12:38, 2Painless2btrue said:

Thanks people, for your open minds! For your information Cuvier was undeniably one of the greatest minds in Science. Darwin was an amateur! And No, I am not religeous or a cult member, or taking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. I'm impressed by Born Hunter, who took the trouble to google Cuvier.... Good Man! So we have at least one person not completely sleep walking! Out of interest Skycat (I loved your book by the way!), how do you propose primitive man picked their original 'docile' wolf cubs and then found other 'docile' types to mate them with? And during their breeding programmes, how did they keep the masses of other wild wolves away from their she wolves/ bitches in season? Quite a trick! Its a fact that tetraploid grain crops appeared out of nowhere around 5000 years ago and have no near wild cousins. Farm livestock breeds abound that have no obvious wild origin, especially the domestic pig. It's been suggested that these have human DNA in there makeup, which is why we can use pig heart valves as replacements in humans...FACT! Just because TPTB don't teach these things in school, doesn't mean they aren't true. Wake up! Try googling 'Helicopter of Abydos'. From the same region that produced your Ancient Sighthounds, and just one example of many that technology greater than ours was available to Mankind thousands of years ago!

did primitive man pick the docile wolf? or did the docile wolf pick man?

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