Born Hunter 17,828 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Thanks people, for your open minds! For your information Cuvier was undeniably one of the greatest minds in Science. Darwin was an amateur! And No, I am not religeous or a cult member, or taking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. I'm impressed by Born Hunter, who took the trouble to google Cuvier.... Good Man! So we have at least one person not completely sleep walking! Out of interest Skycat (I loved your book by the way!), how do you propose primitive man picked their original 'docile' wolf cubs and then found other 'docile' types to mate them with? And during their breeding programmes, how did they keep the masses of other wild wolves away from their she wolves/ bitches in season? Quite a trick! Its a fact that tetraploid grain crops appeared out of nowhere around 5000 years ago and have no near wild cousins. Farm livestock breeds abound that have no obvious wild origin, especially the domestic pig. It's been suggested that these have human DNA in there makeup, which is why we can use pig heart valves as replacements in humans...FACT! Just because TPTB don't teach these things in school, doesn't mean they aren't true. Wake up! Try googling 'Helicopter of Abydos'. From the same region that produced your Ancient Sighthounds, and just one example of many that technology greater than ours was available to Mankind thousands of years ago! You are f*****g crackers! I don't even know where to begin with such a load of utter bollocks. Darwin an amateur! haha I suppose your grandfather was a physicist of such degree that he had pets of higher intelligence than Einstein? Created in a lab no doubt by aliens that the 'great creator' put there. You sound like a typical conspiracy theorist. Can i ask how you know so much about this man and 'Catastrophism'? 1 Quote Link to post
2Painless2btrue 11 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 I think any Wolf curious about primitive man would have had a spear up his jacksie! We've been taught mainly fairy tales in school. We don't have to believe it all and we don't stop learning when we leave TPTBs place of indoctrination. I thought lurcher men/women were free thinkers eg 'Feck the Ban'! Seems we may be more domesticated than our dogs! all in Sport , Painless Quote Link to post
Casso 1,261 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 (edited) the whole thinking behind man getting wolf cubs and rearing them is flawed, there is plenty of research down on bringing up hand reared cubs and it doesn't hold any water, It was the hunt , that turned the wolf into the dog, we can still see it in all our dogs today, there is no stronger pull in a dog, wolf and man were able to work together to fulfill a common goal , its the hunt now which makes a dog social and it was the hunt then which made the wolf social, Edited February 22, 2012 by Casso Quote Link to post
Born Hunter 17,828 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 I think any Wolf curious about primitive man would have had a spear up his jacksie! Speculative! In very recent history man has domesticated wild animals for work and out of curiosity. So thats bollocks then. We've been taught mainly fairy tales in school. Prove any current science wrong and I'll give you my attention. Because as of yet your arguments have no more strength than a religious nut's. We don't have to believe it all and we don't stop learning when we leave TPTBs place of indoctrination. I thought lurcher men/women were free thinkers eg 'Feck the Ban'! Seems we may be more domesticated than our dogs! all in Sport , Painless Quote Link to post
Flipper_Al 1,012 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Helicopter of Abydos Hope you dont mind, if i stay narrow minded 1 Quote Link to post
birddog 1,354 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 the whole thinking behind man getting wolf cubs are rearing them is flawed, there is plenty of research down on bringing up hand reared cubs and it doesn't hold any water, It was the hunt , that turned the wolf into the dog, we can still see it in all our dogs today, there is no stronger pull in a dog, wolf and man were able to work together to fulfill a common goal , its the hunt now which makes a dog social and it was the hunt then which made the wolf social, perhaps it was the easy pickings around primitive man's camp that attracted the more docile wolf, perhaps with these hanging around the camp they gave primitive man some protection from other wild animals, maybe it wasn't a deliberate thing with either side dominating the other more of a humble beginning to a now long standing symbiotic relationship Quote Link to post
2Painless2btrue 11 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Have you looked up Cuviers CV? Impressive I thought! But suppressed by TPTB like so many things unfortunately. Yes Darwin was an amateur and no, my Grandfather wasn't a Physicist, he was a Docker. Don't know if he bred smart dogs! Where did you get Aliens and The Creator from? Cuvier was worried that he would upset the Church with his theories, which have masses of evidence to support them, unlike Darwin. Quote Link to post
Born Hunter 17,828 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Helicopter of Abydos http://rationalwiki....ydos_helicopter Hope you dont mind, if i stay narrow minded OMG you are a conspricay nut.... I knew it would'nt be long untill aliens were mentioned. So to summarise so far; Darwin was amateur Evolution is hokum and any new species or mutations in species is impossible There have been many previously advanced civilisations that have been destroyed by catastrophe and left ABSOLUTEY NO evidence of their advanced existence And now finally, aliens visited earth to teach these things and the ONLY evidence is some very crude pictures. My only question..... Can I put in an order for the perfect lurcher for next time the Alf drops by? Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted February 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 OK, mind now open: (thanks for the compliment re the book by the way) but I see holes, big 'uns, in this theory, or supposition. Firstly, and just using my not terribly scientific brain together with the snippets of knowledge I've managed to glean during my life time, it isn't that hard to change a species over quite a short space of time: just look at lurchers: you can lose or add coat, height, length of leg and jaw in just a few generations. So the whole thing about creating, if that is the right word, a specific type of dog to perform specific tasks isn't that great a problem. Of course it would take a lot longer for a specific type of dog to evolve from just one set of wild parents than it does to create a certain size or type of lurcher, but if you think of the hundreds of thousands of years about which we know very little, it is surely the most probable way domestic dogs evolved. Look at the silver fox experiment in Russia, where they bred for docility and got floppy ears, waggy curly tails and pied markings within just a few years. The problem of keeping away wild wolves etc to avoid sullying the breeding programme, not that it would have been a programme as such, wouldn't have been that difficult given that our forefathers must have at least realised that mammals produce by sexual intercourse and as hunter/gatherers would have known that most wild canines were scared shitless of the puny walk -upright creatures which carried weapons and they presumably also knew that things like fire would inspire dread in all wild things. Not hard to confine a breeding female in the home cave or enclave. Anyway: again, with the wonders of the internet: it's obvious that others are bending their minds to such weird theories .http://forum.davidic...t=112378&page=2 2 Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted February 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 (edited) The whole thing about wolves, or wild canines of some sort, scavenging around camps is far less likely than a litter of orphan pups, the mother having been killed by the hunters, who then raised and bred from only the most docile and tame-able. This is far more satisfying as well as logical, as a theory. Early man must have noticed how effective a wild dog pack were at tracking and running down their prey, and being smart, probably wasted no time in making use of such a useful tool in their struggle to survive. That's just the way I see it. I'm sure that there are countless theories on the subject. Edited February 22, 2012 by skycat Quote Link to post
Flipper_Al 1,012 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Helicopter of Abydos http://rationalwiki....ydos_helicopter Hope you dont mind, if i stay narrow minded OMG you are a conspricay nut.... I knew it would'nt be long untill aliens were mentioned. So to summarise so far; Darwin was amateur Evolution is hokum and any new species or mutations in species is impossible There have been many previously advanced civilisations that have been destroyed by catastrophe and left ABSOLUTEY NO evidence of their advanced existence And now finally, aliens visited earth to teach these things and the ONLY evidence is some very crude pictures. My only question..... Can I put in an order for the perfect lurcher for next time the Alf drops by? Im not a conspiracy nut, irony sometimes gets lost in translation 1 Quote Link to post
2Painless2btrue 11 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Quite frankly, I don't know where to start! So much bull shit taught in schools and the students who absorb it the best and repeat it get the best exam marks and better paid jobs when they leave. Sad really! Simple brain washing if you ask me. It does hurt when your paradigm bubble gets popped so people resist it..... ridicule instead of discussion is normal. Quote Link to post
Casso 1,261 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 the whole thinking behind man getting wolf cubs are rearing them is flawed, there is plenty of research down on bringing up hand reared cubs and it doesn't hold any water, It was the hunt , that turned the wolf into the dog, we can still see it in all our dogs today, there is no stronger pull in a dog, wolf and man were able to work together to fulfill a common goal , its the hunt now which makes a dog social and it was the hunt then which made the wolf social, perhaps it was the easy pickings around primitive man's camp that attracted the more docile wolf, perhaps with these hanging around the camp they gave primitive man some protection from other wild animals, maybe it wasn't a deliberate thing with either side dominating the other more of a humble beginning to a now long standing symbiotic relationship both humans and wolfs were pack animals, both were stimulated by the hunt, both are able to work in a team , both are able to follow another's gaze to a fixed point , there is too similarities based around the hunt, if people think the biggest pull for a wolf is eating shite around a camp site so be it, but i can see whats in my dogs that stimulate them and its not eating leftovers , Quote Link to post
Flipper_Al 1,012 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Quite a sweeping statement, assumimng were all brain washed.....always helps to base any arguement on fact's, still live and let live i say Quote Link to post
Born Hunter 17,828 Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Quite frankly, I don't know where to start! So much bull shit taught in schools and the students who absorb it the best and repeat it get the best exam marks and better paid jobs when they leave. Sad really! Simple brain washing if you ask me. It does hurt when your paradigm bubble gets popped so people resist it..... ridicule instead of discussion is normal. You keep telling us that evolution is bollocks and throw up very sketchy reasons for this, non of which actually disprove evolution theory. Your only argument is that evolution theory has not yet been proven 100% so must be wrong. Yet all the experimental data supports it. There is f**k all evidence to suggest that any race or species has ever been in an advanced state prior to humans. ABSOLUTELY NON! 1 Quote Link to post
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