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Guest davo

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I joined this site in April of this year as my son was wanting to learn more about the dogs he always wanted and that I had bought him. I work away from home for 3 weeks at a time so I came across this site and joned and he was over the moon as he was going to learn more about his passion? Well I must say I found it a lot easier joining the masons than getting on with people on this site! I have posted about 5 articles requesting the where abouts of shows so that I can take my son when I return home in May and the only decent person who replied was a guy called Jeff.S who has since left this site.

I feel as though you have got to be part of a click on this site so I am afraid it is not for me all I wanted was some enjoyment for my son just like any father would want and would expect.

Anyway I hope yous all enjoy your sport and I would just like to end by saying thank yous all for F--K all. :angry::censored:

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I dont mean to be rude davo, but its difficult to know who to trust these days and there are lots of anti's out there who are just ready to spoil what is only natural - that being hunting. People probably havent given you the answers you required as they dont know you - you could be anyone? We dont know? How do we know that you were wanting to find out the information for your son? I read your post a few weeks back and was busy replying via PM and I stopped myself as I dont know you. Why dont you start again, introduce yourself and state your reasons etc. I mean this with the best of intentions behind it, so please dont be offended. Oh, and apology for being so rude at the end of your post would be nice :yes: Im sure if we know you can be trusted then you, like me, will get all the help you need. We are a canny bunch on here, if perhaps a bit paranoid at times ;)

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Posting in the early hours.................erm cant sleep or on the piss??? Oh well whatever, you got our attention :clapper: .

Davo you are well pissed off with us & I dont blame you, but hey! there have been a few exciting threads going on, and unfortunatly some of us tend to watch them :blink: .

These forums are a bit like tv. you tend to watch the most exciting one ;) . I do suppose it looks like a clique sorta place............but it's not, it's just us with the bigger gobs.......work from home.....pc in living room.........ect that post more. There are a hell of a lot of members, post's and things going on to keep up with it all.

Now you got our attention, why not stick around and give the forum another go ;) .xx

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  Lurcherbitch said:
Posting in the early hours.................erm cant sleep or on the piss??? Oh well whatever, you got our attention :clapper: .

Davo you are well pissed off with us & I dont blame you, but hey! there have been a few exciting threads going on, and unfortunatly some of us tend to watch them :blink: .

These forums are a bit like tv. you tend to watch the most exciting one ;) . I do suppose it looks like a clique sorta place............but it's not, it's just us with the bigger gobs.......work from home.....pc in living room.........ect that post more. There are a hell of a lot of members, post's and things going on to keep up with it all.

Now you got our attention, why not stick around and give the forum another go ;) .xx

Well said LB :clapper: I agree, give us another go.

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Just for your information I have stated that I work away from home and I am working in Russia at the moment that is how my post was sent late at night! plus I do not drink or go on the piss as I have a very responsible job when away from home but when at home totally different!!


I am not ranting and moaning it is just that I have promised my son that I would be taking him out so he could get some experience with other Terrier Guys and he was looking foreward to that and I just felt disapointed, thanks all the same.


Sorry for getting upset but you must understand when you are away and promise something for when you return home and it seems to fall a bit flat you feel anoyed.


Sorry if I have offended anyone and thanks girls for the reply. :icon_redface:

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  davo said:

Just for your information I have stated that I work away from home and I am working in Russia at the moment that is how my post was sent late at night! plus I do not drink or go on the piss as I have a very responsible job when away from home but when at home totally different!!


I am not ranting and moaning it is just that I have promised my son that I would be taking him out so he could get some experience with other Terrier Guys and he was looking foreward to that and I just felt disapointed, thanks all the same.


Sorry for getting upset but you must understand when you are away and promise something for when you return home and it seems to fall a bit flat you feel anoyed.


Sorry if I have offended anyone and thanks girls for the reply. :icon_redface:

Im not in the least bit offended :D Ive sent you a PM and will be sending you more as and when I know when the shows are. Bet you end up really enjoying it here just as much as I do. :drink:


  stevolad said:
Its alright on here if you pick and chose which threads you read and keeping bringing your threads back to the top, you eventually get some decent replies. It does seam like a clique, ive noticed that aswell and i've been on here for a while now but there is a fair bit to be learned if you push hard enough for what you want.


Oh and.... dont you 2 ladies ever sleep :laugh:

:laugh::laugh: Damn night duty for me Im afraid, but its my last one for 10 nights :drink: and Ive got the task of building a ferret court next week to keep me occupied :thumbs-up: LB, whats your excuse for being an insomniac then? :D


Forgot to mention davo, I'm sure the Hartlepool show is still going ahead this sunday. :yes: Apparently jeff.s wife is running it so not to let people down, hope jeff hasnt packed in as I enjoyed his posts and he seemed a decent bloke. :yes:

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well davo i dont blame you for complaing it will always be the same mate its like a school yard on here somtimes ...you try and have the crack with some folk they will blank you and certain folk will reply to your more serious posts ....its like little groups ..some think they are better than you ..ie .judge you before they have even met you or think they know more than you so dont bother to answer you post .......all i can say if you get through the first few weeks you will meet some good friends on here .....like i said its like being back at school...... :good: i will give you an e.g. i met two folks of here and the only reason we met was through i was buyng somthing of them i didnt speak to them here really and still dont that much but we talk on the phone and go on the odd hunting trip together ......its hard to tell what people are like talking on the comp ...because some folk are different when you meet them face to face useually there are a better person in reality.........all the best with your hunt for a decent show ......all the best snoop... ;) and like LB said stick around if you dont like it its only a click of a button.... :D:D:D:D

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Guest Lurcherbitch
  davo said:


Sorry if I have offended anyone and thanks girls for the reply. :icon_redface:



Well you gave me a fright there when you put LB/Julia, as my name is Julia. I wonderd how the feck did you know, then i cottoned on :laugh: .

No offence is obviously taken by anyone, glad you came back to reply.

You can now return home stating to daft insomniacs (one that cant spell) replyed to you. I am sure you will get many more now ;) .




  stevolad said:
Oh and.... dont you 2 ladies ever sleep :laugh:



Ladies................oh thankyou kind sir :laugh:

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I didn't reply to your post Davo as I don't know where most of the shows are, I was not ignoring you....... :D:blink:



Just stick around and I'm sure you will get all the information you need.


As someone stated in an earlier reply to you, it's hard to trust people on a site that involves hunting.......



Just be greatful you got ignored instead of getting some of the slatings I got!!!! Cried myself to sleep many nights over it :cry::no::no::laugh::laugh:


There are lots of people on this site who will be more than willing to help you, maybe you should think of a more catchy way of heading your post's.......something like "Free Sex wanted" tends to get peoples attention :laugh::clapper::laugh:

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Guest baldie

The main problem with your request davo, is probarbly, that not a lot of folk on here, actively go to shows? i dont, they dont do anything for me personally, so dont take offence mate, but keep asking mate, the show season is only just starting, there should be a little more info as the year progresses.

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Guest Lurcherbitch
  baldie said:
The main problem with your request davo, is probarbly, that not a lot of folk on here, actively go to shows? i dont, they dont do anything for me personally, so dont take offence mate, but keep asking mate, the show season is only just starting, there should be a little more info as the year progresses.



You dont got to shows???? We havent met then????? So who the f**k is that guy that i keep slapping on the head saying "hey Baldie how you doing" :blink::laugh:

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  davo said:
I am not ranting and moaning it is just that I have promised my son that I would be taking him out so he could get some experience with other Terrier Guys and he was looking foreward to that and I just felt disapointed, thanks all the same.


Sorry for getting upset but you must understand when you are away and promise something for when you return home and it seems to fall a bit flat you feel anoyed.


Davo as baldie says most members on this site go to a few shows but that is not what drives them. Get EDRD or countrymans if you want some show lisitngs and pop along. Don't take it personally if people don't always respond to threads straight away.


Also i'm not being funny but perhaps you shouldn't have promised your boy that you would be taking him digging with people you don't know...........whos fault is that? :victory:

Edited by Simoman
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