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a few rabbits lamping

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its been a little while since i been out with the finn fire so woodga invited me to see if i could remember which way you hold the rifle :tongue2: ,anyway i did the driving and lamping he did the shooting the lad i work with steve came along for the ride and shot one himself he was over the moon at his first rabbit with the rimfire his smile said it all :D ,i have to admit woodga was on top form as usual not many escaped his advances an eye in the grass was al that was needed for him to home in heat seeking missile style :tongue2: , :whistle: ,all in all not the perfect lamping night but we done fine it was good to be back out the doing it cheers mate :yes: , later on we checked a drop box set by the farmer and picked up three more to the tally til next time keep a hold



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a nice way to spend a couple of hours good company and a bit of banter Rob dont you be forgetting my lump of rabbit pie :) this time :tongue2: a shite night for the lamp but at least the ferrets will bw fed for a week or so :)

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