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out with bird and Todd

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thats a shame i thought you would of been over the moon you havent got to keep walking up to them or stamp your foot any more o well atb malc

was good night ,some hard long runs, both dogs did well . Buster malamute x did great , took some great squatters and good catches . Tod did well as he not bred for rabbits really, did some good catc

in the last 5 year you must have owned at least 20 dogs,so you cant be any wiser now, than when you started, to learn you have to keep them all their working lives to know the end result .

  On 21/02/2012 at 22:01, the p***y poacher said:

nice 1 lads have you still got the old dog bird, collie/grey i think he was? the red and white dog . its alright i been away for a while her majesty was looking after me but im free now

yes mate , if you look in the ferret sec you will read about him Vin put the post up. He is doing well 5 in sep, still do few nights with him , but he is great in the day which i do more with him.

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nice 1 bird for the reply i took my old dog(super flash) out the other night not been out for 2 years he is 8 in may gave him 9 runs caught 4 so i was well chuffed the mrs has got him about as fat as a labrador so loads of walking for me and him to come here is a pic of him in his prime for you new lads and lasses who dont know about old super flash 28 out of 32 or 34 runs cant remember ?exactly still a good night

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  On 18/02/2012 at 15:48, malc1 said:
  On 18/02/2012 at 15:42, trigger2 said:
  On 18/02/2012 at 15:22, malc1 said:

must be a good feeling to have a dog that will take squatters atb malc

not really

thats a shame i thought you would of been over the moon you havent got to keep walking up to them or stamp your foot any more o well atb malc

Murph never stalked then Malc funny that I can remember he did. I trained the f****r for ya, Got him interested in game. Got him working the lamp ,got him Retrieving. Taught you how to lamp, prity much started you off, you had all the hard things done for you, don't see eye to eye with trigg but he's forgot more about dogs then I probably know so what would that say about you ????????

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  On 26/02/2012 at 10:57, huntingalltheway said:
  On 18/02/2012 at 15:48, malc1 said:
  On 18/02/2012 at 15:42, trigger2 said:
  On 18/02/2012 at 15:22, malc1 said:

must be a good feeling to have a dog that will take squatters atb malc

not really

thats a shame i thought you would of been over the moon you havent got to keep walking up to them or stamp your foot any more o well atb malc

Murph never stalked then Malc funny that I can remember he did. I trained the f****r for ya, Got him interested in game. Got him working the lamp ,got him Retrieving. Taught you how to lamp, prity much started you off, you had all the hard things done for you, don't see eye to eye with trigg but he's forgot more about dogs then I probably know so what would that say about you ????????

you taught malc did you, 5 year ago you knew nothing,last year you pm trigger and asked him if he could forget everything as you had fell out ,and could you go lamping with him, he never replied, so stop licking his ass and speak the truth, malc as not been in the game long but hes doing well and hes got good dogs , jamie malc is a first class bloke who can be trusted,and as for trigger hes on his second dog,his first dog trigger is far from being a good dog,the pup hes got now buster theres a good chance hel go the same way,as trigger who thinks he knows it all knows nothing
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must be a good feeling to have a dog that will take squatters atb malc

not really

thats a shame i thought you would of been over the moon you havent got to keep walking up to them or stamp your foot any more o well atb malc

Murph never stalked then Malc funny that I can remember he did. I trained the f****r for ya, Got him interested in game. Got him working the lamp ,got him Retrieving. Taught you how to lamp, prity much started you off, you had all the hard things done for you, don't see eye to eye with trigg but he's forgot more about dogs then I probably know so what would that say about you ????????


must be a good feeling to have a dog that will take squatters atb malc

not really

thats a shame i thought you would of been over the moon you havent got to keep walking up to them or stamp your foot any more o well atb malc

Murph never stalked then Malc funny that I can remember he did. I trained the f****r for ya, Got him interested in game. Got him working the lamp ,got him Retrieving. Taught you how to lamp, prity much started you off, you had all the hard things done for you, don't see eye to eye with trigg but he's forgot more about dogs then I probably know so what would that say about you ????????

jamie ive never denied you started me lamping and never denied you started murph working but im the one whos bought murph on and made him the dog he is not you and if you wernt such a total twat and done to me and my wife what you did after all the times you stayed at our house fed for free smashed up our generator you would of still been about to see murph grow into the dog he is today and as for stalking a lot of pups do it im on about a dog thats older doing it not a pup im glad i got the dog off you because he would probably be dead like the one you kicked down the stairs into the road and a lady run it over
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